Chapter Seventeen: How am I the only sane one left?

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"Kendall," Grant mutters, drawing cirles on my leg lazily. "I have a proposition." I roll my eyes and shift further down onto the sofa, so my legs are now slung against Grant's. He leans back against the worn leather and throws a smirk in my direction, I merely scowl in repsonse, trying desperately to ignore the heat spreading across my cheeks and the crackle of energy whizzing through my body from where he's touching me.

When we arrived back at the house with Caleb and Lily, my very happy mother decided to let the blue-eyed demon into our home.

Now he has her under his spell too.

When will this nightmare end?

"Right, whatever," I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. Grant's deep sexy laugh echoes through the room and he tugs on my legs, drawing me closer to him.

"The two months are up. You're free to go," he says, his deep blue eyes smiling at me. I try not to stare at them for too long, otherwise I might be hyponotised like the rest of our Uni's female population. Before I can answer, he interjects, his smirk widening withe every second. "Or, we change it slightly."

I nod slowly, trying to process what he's saying. Luckily, my mum's upstairs reading so she can't hear us. Otherwise that would be one awkward conversation.

'By the way mum, I've decided to slwoly and painfully break the heart of our school's biggest player!'

Yeah, I don't think that would go down too well.


Grant coughs for effect; his eyes flick up  my body and reach mine in a second- for a moment, I'm scared of what he might find. Can he see through my popular facade? Can he see the cracks in my mask? I've spent so many months guarding myself from everything, I can't loose it to him. No way.

His blue eyes twinkle with mischeif and I let out an inaudiable sigh of relief. "We will date for as long as it takes for one of us to fall in love."

I shrug, trying to hide behind fake nochalence as Grant idly runs his hand up my leg again. "OK."

A jolt of nervousness swings through me; I feel as though Grant is missing something, holding something back.

"What's the catch?" Suspicsion seeps into my voice, though there's a smirk on my face. Grant shifts further into the plush sofa and rests his hand on my knee. Another jolt of energy spreads through my leg, slipping into my bloodstream.

"No catch. But we need to spend more time together. We need to talk every day. Try to trust eachother. There's no point to the bet if someone doesn't loose."

I roll my eyes again (its all I ever seem to do around Grant). "How am I supposed to trust you when your out to shatter my heart into smithereens?"

Grant merely brushes off my comment, though his smile dampens as if I've offended him deeply- his ego's too big to be dented that easily.

"Aren't you out to do the same?" he cocks his head to the side, casuing a wave of hair shift into his eyes. Instinctively, I reach over and move it out of the way. I freeze, my eyes locked with the deep blue of Grant's. We don't say anything at all; can he hear the erratic beating of my heart? It feels as though it'll burst out of my chest at any second. Grant inhlaes sharply and leans in closer to me. I try not to let my gaze flick to his lips but I can't help myself.

Maybe I could use this to my adavantage.

I pull myself into his lap and wrap an arm around his neck. I'm so close to Grant that I can feel the frantic beating of his heart. He gulps audibly, his adams apple bobbing up and down before he casts his eyes to my lips and snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his muscular chest. A smirk lights up my face as he whispers huskily in my ear, "Kendall..."

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