Chapter 3

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"Wake up Hun its almost 12, you've been sleeping all day" Lily's mom Lauren said as she shook her nicely.

"Its Saturday mom I don't have any plans mom and I'm tired" Lily respond to her mom while stuffing her face into her pillows.

"Your breakfast is already cold, Daddy and I need to tell you something" Lauren got up and walked out the room leaving Lily still in bed groaning.

Lily got up and went in the shower 20 minutes later she went down stairs. She went in the kitchen to heat up the breakfast that her mom made her. Lily say down and starting eating her breakfast while she's scrolling up and down her phone as usual.

"OH ! Someone's finally up" Her dad said to her, while Lily completely ignore him because she was too busy on her phone. He tap her shoulder, Lily flinched "Oh hey Dad" she finally spoke up.

Lauren walked in the kitchen and finally spoke up "Honey I know your dad and I been working hard these days, you look like you been down lately sorry that we aren't around as much but you have to get used to it because you might be going away for school and we're not going to be there with you" Lily rolled her eyes and sigh out loud while still checking her phone. "We know spring break is coming up so how about to go some where fun with your friends, maybe London or something" Her dad said while trying to get her attention

"Why cant we go to a vacation, you know as a family" Lily said while raising we her eyebrows

"Honey we are but after you go to your vacation with your friend, We spoke to Danielle mom and we all decided that you girls deserve something nice, you guys have been working hard, we are beyond proud" Lauren spoke up while looking at Lily. "Yeah Sure, Fine whatever I'll go" Lily said not sounding too excited

"You don't sound too excited, who doesn't want to go to London. Dont that boy band you and Danielle are crazy for live there, whats there name again..." He put on his thinking face "One Direction !! dad " Lily said while laughing.

"Did you forget about our Tennis game today?" Her dad ask her " awww man I completely forgot,sorry dad I'll try and hurry up and we can leave" Lily said as she ran upstairs to her room to change completely forgot that she had agree with her dad to play Tennis with him today.

Lily got in her dad's car and turn the radio on. One Direction songs come up and she started singing along.

During the middle of Lily and her dad's Tennis game, he got a call he had to head to the hospital for an emergency. Lily face expression changed although she wasn't mad but she was really looking forward to spending the day with her dad.

"Im sorry sweetie, you okay kiddo" He finally asked breaking the silence in the car on their way back home.

"Uhuhh" Lily responded looking straight ahead.

"Thanks dad I had fun while it lasted , I guess I'll see you later" Lily got out of the car and rushed through the door and ran upstairs to her room.

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