//Identity Crisis//

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto. T_T

WARNING: AU. YAOI SasuNaru (don't like, don't read - you've been warned so don't go around whining that boy/boy is not nice!). And an inDenial!Pervert!Sasuke, simply because he deserves to suffer every once in a while. In fact, let's torture him some more after this. Rated for language and themes.

DEDICATION: To the most wonderful beta in the entire fanfic world (ahem), catharticdeficit. This long overdue story is all your fault... and if I change OTP, I think that would be your fault too. :P But, heh, for my first yaoi, I actually had fun writing this (ahem again).

SUMMARY: For the record, Uchiha Sasuke is not gay. Now if only he could stop his racing hormones whenever Naruto's around, then convincing himself he's straight would be so much easier.


Sasuke snatched his cellular phone on the bedside table and squinted at it. It was a text message from Naruto. He paused and placed a hand on his chest. Nope. His heart was beating normally. He clicked on the message in relief.

R u still awake?

He wondered whether to reply or not. After a minute of mental debate, Sasuke decided to cut Naruto slack. He, after all, only went to his apartment to visit him. Sasuke should actually be touched that someone had been worrying about him. In fact, he should even thank Naruto for his thoughtfulness. So he quickly tapped on the keypad for his answer: No, I'm already sleeping and you're bothering me.

There was a few seconds of silence after he sent the message before came the reply: K. R u mad at me?



Well, if you really want me to, then fine.

Oh. Ok. It's fyn. So I was wondring... Should I still buy u jelly?

Sasuke stared at his phone. Jelly? What the hell - Oh right. When Naruto ate his bread.

You don't have to. I just got annoyed at you that time.

Ur always annoyd at me.

That's true. Is there any point of having this conversation?

Um, I can't sleep.

So you're pestering me?

Uh, yea?

It's 2am.

I know. So... Can u tell me a bedtym story?

Sasuke raised his eyes to the ceiling in silent admonishment before typing an intelligent reply: You are such an IDIOT.

It took a few seconds before Naruto replied: Nd ur a bastard. Oh, hey. I almost 4got. Cud I copy ur physics homework at skul?

No. I'm a bastard.

I was jst joking. Jeez.

Sasuke couldn't help it when the corner of his lips twitched upward. He could practically imagine Naruto frowning, his mouth pursed in a pout. Naruto's lips were soft and pink, so it would probably taste nice under Sasuke's own mouth... his tongue flickering inside that wet cave, meeting Naruto's own tongue, twisting against each other until Sasuke forced him into submission, sucking, sucking hard at every spot of Naruto's lips and shit, he was having hallucinations again. Sasuke sat up, clutching at his chest and found the muscle in there beating swiftly, his back drenched with sweat.

He stared at the phone for a moment before turning it off. He placed it back on the bedside table before lying down again.

No, he would not think of reason five. He would not. It would be impossible, quite improbable, for an Uchiha to be even considering a fifth reason.

But -

But, just out of intellectual research and considering all possibilities... the fifth possible reason why his heart was twisting so painfully inside his chest while he was thinking of his best friend, was that Sasuke might be - he blinked cautiously - he might be, you know.


//Identity crisis//Sasuke X Naruto Where stories live. Discover now