Chapter Four

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A/N: Sorry that this update is a couple hours late. If you like the book so far, please vote, and comment suggestions, or things that you like. Thank you! <3

Louis POV:

    My first day at work had gone better than I thought it would. Besides Perrie pestering me once in a while, the day was pretty calm. But with the 'date' or whatever Mr. Styles had planned it wouldn't be calm much longer. 

      I still couldn't figure out what Mr. Styles wanted with me. He could be leading me on just for fun. He's probably straight. But you never know. Right?

     I wouldn't have anyway of finding out since he completely stays out of the public eye. Maybe he's just having his fun with me. I couldn't fall in love when there's at least a small chance my heart could get broken.

     Thats why I never dated anyone, or had sex with anyone before. It's hard for me to get intimate with someone, when I don't love my body first.

     The only way I ever did get intimate was when I would get wasted freshman year.  So if this was a real date, which I doubt it is, he better not break my heart into 17 pieces.

     It was time to stop overthinking things and just take a leap, which wasn't like me at all.  I would try to give him a chance. Enough of that. I looked at myself in the small mirror in my office. I looked alright, at least for me. I didn't wear a suit jacket, the maroon vest I was wearing was enough.

     Black pants, that were loose, but still somehow managed to be tight around may butt. I was again starting to overthink. So I just got my grey wool jacket and my phone, shut off the lights in my office, and locked the door behind me. Then I headed down to the lobby to wait for Mr. Styles- or Harry, or whatever his name is.

     Those three minutes in the elevator were the longest three minutes of my life. There was just too many thoughts in my head. Most of them caused by the confusion and my uncertainness about what was going to happen tonight.

    But I guess I'll find out. The elevator dinged, telling me I had made it to the lobby. I walked out, my dress shoes clacking on the marble. Just like Harrys do.

     Looking I around I saw him through the glass doors. He was standing by what seemed to be his car. From what I could make out of it, a 'Tesla'. Of course. When I got outside I realized it was snowing, and also somehow freezing cold.

     Nice one October.  Harry hadn't noticed me yet, so when I finally stood in front of him, he jumped a little. "Louis! Ready?" he said opening the passenger door for me. "Thank you. What a gentleman" I replied, smiling at him, so he could see that it was genuine.

     He quickly ran to his side of the car and got in. Blowing some air into his hands for warmth. Harry then turned the heat on and apologized, "I'm so sorry its cold in the car, I didn't have time to warm it up".

     He seemed so bothered by the fact. I reached over and put my hand on his shoulder, still smiling, "Its alright Mr. Styles, its fine". He seemed surprised by my slight affection. 

     He turned around and put his hands on the wheel. Just before he started driving, with a chuckle he went, "Call me Harry". And off we went.

       We had been in the car for twenty minutes and my curiosity got the best of me, "Where are we going Harry? ". He looked back at me, "Somewhere special. We're actually here already". He said that just as we pulled into a Wendy's Drive-In.

     God I love Wendys. No I aspire to be as shady as Wendys is on Twitter. Louis! focus your on a date! Harry and I ordered what we wanted to, he drove another ten minutes, to what seemed to be a nice part of Central Park.

     "Is this okay Louis, I wanted to do something special." Harry said looking down at his hands. "Of course it is. I love it Harry", and it was true, I was never really the fancy type. He let out a sigh of relief.

     We sat in his car eating and getting to know each other for a couple of hours. The only thing that I was shocked about is that Harry had never tried dipping his french fries into his Frostie.

    I learned that he liked to sing, and I said that I did too. He joked that we should start with a band with his friends Niall and Liam. He was so smiley. It was adorable. I feel like I was getting under his skin, and finding the real Harry.

     Not the one that has a reputation to be brutal in the workplace, and hides himself from everyone.

    The way back to my apartment was strangely quiet, there was this tension between us. As we pulled up to my place, I got ready to go, "Thanks for the ride Harry, I had a great time." He just muttered a quick "Mhm", he looked like he was contemplating something.

     I was about halfway to the door of my apartment building when I heard Harry scream, "Louis,wait!". He ran over to me, and pressed his lips against mine.

     He let go of me, and looked me in the eyes, "I had the best time". He slipped a note in my pocket, and walked back to his car, giving me that smirk, that I had already gotten used to. 

     I opened up the note as he drove off.

             Louis,                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you for tonight, call or text me,                                                                                                                                                                            917-001-1994                                                                                                                                                                                      x~Harry

Maybe, taking this job had led me to someone special. Maybe it led me to Harry.


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