<Chapter 1>

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-------A Visiting student ------

<Chapter 1>

<Chapter 1>

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In the time of Zhao Yunlan began to persisting Shen Wei, he wanted to tie himself on Shen Wei's belt

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In the time of Zhao Yunlan began to persisting Shen Wei, he wanted to tie himself on Shen Wei's belt. Shen Wei ignored him intentionally, he would then run to the University day by day. At first, he would sit in Shen Wei's office and waited for the classes to finish, but later he managed to get a class schedule from a Teacher Assistant called Zhang, he then started to visit Shen Wei's classes, he tended to attend every class, in the end of the semester his attendance was way better than 80% of students in this class.

Zhao Yunlan didn't have a textbook, he didn't even know what was written on the blackboard, but he didn't care. He just sat down at the last seat in the classroom, straightly stared at Shen Wei. Occasionally, he would take a few pictures of Shen Wei, without extra touching he would set it as wallpaper for his phone. He knew how to play cat-and-mouse game, so when the bell rang, he would run away, gave Shen Wei no chance to talk.

Sometimes, his cases were piled up, when Zhao Yunlan got home, it was almost 2 or 3 am. Even so, he still jumped out of the bed as soon as the 9:00am alarm sounded, dressed up himself nicely, and drove to the Dragon City University like a bubble-head toy.

Spring was coming. The past few days he had been working overtime, today He sat in the classroom, listened to his beloved one lecturing, with the sunlight shined on him, Zhao Yunlan fell into asleep irresistibly, his head nodded.

Shen Wei finished the writing on the black-board, when he turned around, he saw Zhao Yunlan lied down on the desk. He lowered his head and unnoticeable smiled, folded the textbook and said, "That's all for today, now review the content of today. No talking to each other, you may do anything you want to."

The sunlight got a bit stronger, Zhao Yunlan wasn't comfortable, he frowned his eyebrow and pouted his lips.

In the name of answering questions, Shen Wei walked all the way to the back of the classroom.

Standing next to Zhao Yunlan, shaded the sunlight for him.

———— End of Chapter 1 ————- 

【A visiting Student】Guardian, Wei&lan, fan-fiction, AU . By &quot;瓶仄相邪&quot;Where stories live. Discover now