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Still summer holiday resort near the beach, somewhere in Australia

Minho was bored. He has been sitting on that chair for lifesavers for three hours. Not that he didn't like the job, he felt useful when he was "saving lives".

Last week he dragged out of the water four kids, one old lady and two teens who tried to drown each other.

Yesterday a group of four boys came to the resort where he worked. This morning, they came to the pool early and since then, they haven't left.

It caught his eye because not many people spent time in the pool. Actually, they only dipped themselves and then they went for a drink.

But these boys, except one of them, have spent most of the day in the water.

"Where is Chan when someone actually needs him," Minho frowned, "maybe he is at the bar again, flirting with that bartender boy."

Suddenly a loud scream pierced through his ears.

He looked up and saw the group of those boys standing on the edge of the pool, frozen from shock looking into the pool. The shortest of them was the one to who that scream belonged to.

Minho knew right away that someone was drowning, he didn't hesitate and he jumped in the pool.

It was the deepest part of the pool, the bottom was about three meters under the water.

Then he saw the boy. He wasn't doing anything, his eyes were wide open and he was losing air. He was slowly falling on the bottom of the pool.

Minho swam to the boy and dragged him out of the water, luckily he was still breathing, but he didn't seem to be okay.

The smaller black-haired boy was beside them as soon as they were on the ground. He was crying.

"OH MY GOD JISUNG ARE YOU OKAY?! I WAS SO SCARED, I THOUGHT YOU'VE DROWNED!!" The small boy stopped yelling because Jisung didn't answer, he was still frozen from shock.

"I should take him to the infirmary, to check if he hasn't any injuries..." said Minho, picking up Jisung and carrying him away.

Oof poor Jisung, luckily Minho was there, btw the first Minsung meeting yAy. Where is Chan tho?🤔

Thank you for reading uwu

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