Lesson Twenty-Eight: Performing

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hi y'all, let's get to the emotional first stage of our newest wanna one unit... i hope you like the name i gave them !! (if not please make suggestions, lol. i'm actually rubbish at naming things, especially books and pet rocks)

anyway, made this chapter longer because it's part of what we've been waiting for throughout the entire storyline. i'll try not to cry while writing it like the last few chapters

 i'll try not to cry while writing it like the last few chapters

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"Are you sure you're ready to do this?"

Jisung, with both his hands on my shoulders, stares straight into my eyes. Sungwoon is sat a few feet from us, his contacts a dark blue today that only makes him appear angrier than he already is. He stares down at his phone, typing furiously as he sighs repeatedly. "Jihoon?" Jisung calls to me, still holding me in place as my mind wanders.

"Yeah?" I register that he's asked me a question, and I nod in reply despite having forgotten what it was. "How long 'til we all go out?"

He glances at the roster posted beside us, the list of acts for our showcase giving exact stage times. "All of us are in about fifteen minutes. You have your solo in about thirty-"

"Okay, that's perfect!" I force a smile onto my cheeks, ducking out of his hold and passing round him to sit myself down. "That gives us enough time to stretch and get out all the nerves-"

"Shut up for a second," Sungwoon calls out, getting shushed by every member sitting within a five foot radius of him. The stage, having gone quiet after a performance, is dark and can carry any of our words from backstage out into the crowd.

Jinyoung comes out from a corner to shove at Sungwoon's shoulder angrily, holding his finger to his mouth before jerking his thumb towards the silent stage. The five young women that have just finished their hopeful debut stage saunter off looking confident, chortling to themselves as they pass us and exit down the hall.

As soon as Sungwoon lets his eyes roll, the first group of guys pass us to start their own performance, the music beginning immediately. "Okay, would you listen to this, please?" Sungwoon stands, waving for all of us to gather round while he holds his phone up to read. "'Stone Music Entertainment's current CEO, under permissions from parent company CJ E&M, has announced that he's hoping to form the next international boy group'."

Sungwoon lowers the phone, meeting each of our five gazes expectantly, his eyebrows raising beneath his beanie.

Daehwi is the first to speak, his hands clapping beneath his sleeves as he bounces on the balls of his feet. "Guys! Wake up! Get excited!" His small hands clap against Jinyoung's shoulders, shaking the thin boy forcefully. They share a laugh as Daniel and Jisung both glance at me.

I know, as the eldest pair, they feel more burdened than the rest of us. Really, they have less of a chance to debut, or at least Jisung does. At twenty-eight years old, he's only got a few years before sending himself to his mandatory military service, while Daniel at least has some years left to hope. The rest of us are still twenty and younger, with the next decade to keep trying.

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