Part 2

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As I walk into the house I realize I'm not really in my best outfit to be meeting my new family. Black leggings, boots, and a hoodie. It's not like I had a lot of options either.

The house looks perfect. Just like everything else. It smells like dryer sheets in the house.

While Mrs. Fherris and Mrs. McAlister blabber away, the tallest boy is looking at the scratches on my face. Great.

"This little one is Callie," Mrs. McAlister says as she bumps the little one in her arms "and this is Hunter," she point to the small blonde boy "and my oldest son here is Jackson." She points to the tallest boy. "Oh! And Kelsey isn't home yet, she's your age!"

There is way too much enthusiasm in that sentence. Kelsey. She even sounds fake.

"Well, I better be on my way," Mrs. Fherris says "goodbye Ivory. Mrs. McAlister."

When Mrs. Fherris closes the door, Hunter tugs on my hoodie sleeve, "Are you going to be my new sister?" He asks.


"Hunter..." Mrs. McAlister warns. Then she turns to me and says, "Let's get you settled in, Ivory." How long will I be here?

She picks up my backpack that I was given at the hospital which contains my stuffed dog, a few outfits, plain white shirt and awful plaid pajama pants, and a toothbrush. The stuffed dog is good, though. When your life has been ripped and shredded, you need a stuffed dog.

Mrs. McAlister leads me up the staircase. Fifteen steps to the top. Eighth one squeaks. Soon we stand in a bedroom with white walls, white and blue bead spread, and a picture that says Do great things. "This is the guest room, it's got a private bathroom too." Says Mrs. McAlister.

This room is perfect just like everything else here.

"I'm going to get Callie and Hunter cleaned up and start dinner. Oh, and there are books in Kelsey's room. Mrs. Fherris said you were asking for some books, her room is the 2nd on the left, she'll be home in about 10 minutes." Mrs. McAlister says and leaves the room.

I don't think I'll be going into Kelsey's room when she's not here...or when she's here for that matter.

I'm sitting in the bed looking around the room when I see a tall, slim, long haired, blonde girl girl run up the stairs with a duffel bag in hand wearing short volleyball shorts, and a blue tank top. Kelsey.

"Who are you?" She says with more attitude then necessary.

"Uh, Ivory. And you're Kelsey?" I hesitantly say, no need to piss this girl off.

"Oh, the foster kid. Yeah, I'm Kelsey. How old are you?"

Wow. She says this more as a statement then a question.

"Fifteen." I say. "Oh, cool. Well see ya later." Kelsey replies, then walks off.

Hm. Maybe she heard about my past.

Mrs. McAlister walks into the room next and says "I forgot to tell you that my husband James is at the firehouse tonight, but he'll be back tomorrow." She turns to leave again.

So she's married. To a firefighter. Great. Can things get better?

Mrs McAlister agreed to let me skip dinner just for tonight and stay in my room, but I have to join them every night after tonight.

I just sit in my room- um, the guest room, and scroll through Instagram and Facebook on my phone. People are so petty. Looking for attention everywhere they go.

You want real problems? Here, take mine. I'd give anything for my latest problem to be my crush ignoring me or my latest boyfriend to break up with me.

I see no more of Kelsey the rest of the night, she's been in her room talking to her boyfriend at all hours of the night. Fun. Not that I'd sleep anyways but you know.

In the dimness of the moonlight, I roll up my sleeve of my shirt to reveal all my scars.

Yeah I know what you're thinking "Omg she's so emo." Actually I'm not. I've just got a lot on my plate.

I've been clean for 3 1/2 weeks. As I feel a sudden urge to break it.

------------------------------------------ So sorry I haven't updated in forever please don't kill me.

Nothing's really happening in the story right now but please stick out with me I'll make it better. <33 Update soon:)

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