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We're going to start off with the one from today.

' Who do you think is a hero and explain why.'

Pretty simple, but this is me we're talking about.


              First and foremost, ' hero ' is a relative term to me. The word hero most definitely has a definite definition but in modern times everything must have a double, maybe even a quadruple meaning. Th most obvious thing that pops into your head when you think of ' heroes ' is the mainstream version with Superman or the Sucktastic ( not really but its fun to say ) Four. Perhaps even the X-Men or Hancock if you even remember them. It appears to me that the hero ' norm ' is revolving around any organic organism that's acquired or born with hidden powers and a tragic/dramatic fucking backstory. Honestly--Ever heard of a hero with a steady income, loving family and simple lifestyle that is only changed by his own will and determination to fight crime?? Because if you have, hit a sister up and maybe I won't be so critical about this. 

        The line of ' hero ' is still blurred by the majority of the public anyway, so I'm not sure if the movies or comics matter much so late in the game. Can you truthfully say that you know the definition of a hero? Like, absolutely positively, swear-on-yo-mama sure? If so then I flipping applaud you because I didn't think you did. The definition of a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Like a goddamn knight or some medieval shit like that. A true lionheart that probably used to be a dweeby little kid with excellent parents and principally rational morals. Is that what you were thinking? Along the lines at least? No? Well damn.

       Whatever, let's continue with a big statement. Superman isn't a hero. Yup, that's correct e x p o s e d. Now before you go all ape-shit on me in the comments, let me finish. Superman isn't a hero he's a superhero. Indeed there is a difference. A superhero is a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers. Are you, are you seeing the difference?? I sure hope so, because that's what this all was for. Not many, especially kids remember the main difference between that web-shooting cutie and the officer standing on your lawn right now. 

( oh wait hold on, skert. while on a topic that pertains to policemen and all the likes, do you guys feel its unheroic to get paid for doing such noble and flipping dangerous jobs?? I'm mostly for it fuck that-

continue )

        That officer demanding you to get yo arse out the house is real my duds. He's real and has a life. He's possibly an old-ish guy with kids and a family. Hoe is probably getting some good dough too, depending on where he works and what department and I'm not talking 'bout doughnuts ahahaha 

 i gots jokes ʕ ·(!)· ʔ

Anyhow, you understand my point right?? There's a good-sized line between hero and superhero

at least to me

but i mean, you do you

hell anyone could be a superhero with enough logic and creativity.


Holy fuccnuggest that was long.

Way longer than I anticipated, jelly fucking cream

Oof, well that's the first one then :D

Leave  a comment! Tell me what you think, 

constructive criticism is welcomed :D

Hope you enjoyed this shite

I'm out, peace (-ω-ゞ


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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