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Ah, you love mornings!

You've texted your friends, Haley and Natasha to come over and look at Armitage. You want their approval before pursuing his affections. Now, mind you, you're going to pursue him anyway. You find him interesting, you'd rather like to meet him in person. If that's even possible.

"Hey, Y/N!" squeals one of your best friends, Haley.

"Sup!" grins your other best friend, Natasha.

"Omg, can't wait to see this guy you've been talking with!" Haley runs over and gives you your phone.

"Listen, guys, we've been talking for a day and a half. It's nothing big... yet," you wiggle your eyebrows. Haley laughs. Natasha rolls her eyes.

"Come on, let's see him!" Haley can barely contain her excitement. You unlock your phone and open Latest Flame.

"Here he is!" you crow when you pull up his profile. "His name's Armitage." Haley squeals.

"He looks SO HOT!!"

"There's something familiar about him..." Natasha muses.

"You say that about all the people I've dated," you roll your eyes at her.

"But I do recognize him from somewhere," she says.

"Whatever!" Haley bounces on the balls of her feet. "He likes cats, like you, he likes books and coffee, JUST LIKE YOU! Y/N, you're getting the male version of you!"

"He went to the Imperial Academy. You know, the feeling-less place," you tell her. "And I can't tell whether he favors the First Order or the Resistance. Or if he just doesn't care."

"Well, he's hot as hell. Why don't you message him?" Haley says. "Or at least show us your texts from yesterday!" You show them. Haley and Natasha scroll down, reading your conversation.

"Hey, he just texted!" Natasha informs you.

"What? Let me see that!" Haley gives you the phone.

Good morning, Y/N.

You squeal.

"What did he SAY?" Haley whines. "Natasha wouldn't let me see!"

"HE SAID GOOD MORNING!!" you yell.

"Well, text him back!" Natasha says.

morning, armitage

He replies shortly.

I have some good news.

You tell Haley and Natasha of the message. You three collapse on the couch to text Armitage.

rlly? wht is it?

You said you're going to school on Coruscant?

yh, i did

Well, my boss is sending me to Coruscant on a work trip. Maybe we could meet up.


"Yeah, it's an opportunity of a lifetime!" Natasha chimes in.

rlly? y dont we meet at my apartment? just tell me a good time and ill give u the address :)

Sure. Tomorrow at 2?


You send the address, then type:

see u then, armitage

He replies:

Until then, Y/N.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" you shout. "Guys, I need you to help! What do I wear, what do I say, HOLY KRIFF-" you're freaking out.

"Don't worry, Y/N!" Haley says, with a determined look on your face. "We'll get Armitage to love you if it kills us!"

"I still recognize him from somewhere..." Natasha murmurs.

But you don't notice. No one does.

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