Rita Miles District 7

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I open my eyes. We've got ten seconds till the games begin. My stomach is turning with nervousness, and my palms are sweating.

I've noticed that the landscape was very different this year. The pedestals are in a dessert. It seems like a bunch  of sand, and that's it.  I take note of the very few to none hiding spots. There's a hill with a cave in it on the horizon. Well I hope it's a hill, and not a mirage. Then there's a large lake. I sure hope it's fresh water.

My eyes are searching now for Jake. Where is he? Then I see him. He's directly across from me. Our eyes meet, and he gives me a faint smile. I try to return his gesture of kindness, but I find that I can't.

I see a tribute, I think it's Ken Kemp, wait I know it's him. He looks at me, and winks devilishly. He doesn't seem to be physically strong, but his mental state might help him win this.

Now the count down is at three, then two, and finally one. I jump off of the pedestal, and take off in a run. I know there's faster people here, so I'm running on luck it's self. I thank God that everyone is running on sand.

I'm use to difficult terrains since I work in forrest, and such. Sometimes the ground is all lose dirt, which reminds me a lot of this sand.

I take deep breaths, and I run harder. I'm almost there, and one of the district four members has already reached it, along with a few careers.

Jake rounds the corner, and we run side by side into the cornucopia. I grab a sword, a backpack, and some rope. I noticed Jake was grabbing knives, a hammer, and a cross bow.

I take off the little hair clip that was in my curly hair. Nobody thought there was something off about it, but they're wrong. It's a bomb. I might of overheard something during the train ride to the capitol... I smirk.

Jake and I run to the back of the cornucopia. We run behind a box without being seen. Jake watched for incoming tributes, as I ready the bomb that he doesn't know about.

There's a little button on it to set how many minutes it'll take to go off. I set it for five. I hide the clip, and grab Jake's arm,and we run out.

We ready our weapons, and run. A knife came out of nowhere and cuts my arm, but I don't stop. I don't even look to see who it was, or if they were going to throw another one.

Jake and I run literally for our lives away from the cornucopia, and toward the lake. We decided to go there after we got away from the cornucopia.

In my head I'm calculating the countdown on the bomb. Right now we have about two minutes to get out of the half mile radius of the cornucopia. I know we've cleared it, and is safe from the blow.

But what I'm really worried about is that's fact that the bomb ticks. It ticks really loud, and anyone near the cornucopia could here it.

I stop all of a sudden, and turn. Twenty seconds left. Jake turns too. We stand there about a mile from the lake, panting.

I can't see anyone near enough to the cornucopia to die, but we are a ways away now so I'm not sure. What I can see, the other tributes are running away from it.


Wood flies up everywhere, and flames fly all over the place. I just stand there. Then I turn to Jake, and smile. He smiles too. We did it. We did it! I start to laugh. Jake, Jack, and I turn and continue to run toward the lake.



The day started to transition to night. It must me a trick by the game makers to throw us off. It can't be night already.

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