The Voicemails

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Based off the deleted Choni scene where Toni leaves the voicemail to Cheryl while she's with the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.


The First Message:

"Hey Cheryl, I was wondering if you're still going to meet me at Pop's. I've been waiting for over an hour and you haven't answered any of my texts. I hope you're ok. Call me when you can."


Second Message:

"Is everything alright? I waited for three hours, but you never showed up. Did something happen? Please call me when you can I'm worried."


Third Message:

"You weren't at school today. I was hoping that maybe your phone had died and you were just never able to contact me, but I don't think that's the case anymore."


Fourth Message:

"I'm so worried about you Cheryl. I know I'm leaving a lot of voicemails, but I haven't heard from you in days. Please, if you get this, call me. I need to know that you're ok."


Fifth Message:

"Your mom said she sent you to an all girls boarding school, but I don't believe that. If you were there you'd be posting so many selfies." Toni laughs with tears in her eyes. "I'm scared your mom did something to you. I can't get the look that was on your face when we saw your Nana passed out at the bottom of the stairs. I really hope that she didn't do anything to you."


Sixth Message:

"I just need to hear your voice. Know that you're ok. I can't sleep knowing that may not be safe."


Seventh Message:

"The vixens aren't the same without you. Nothing is. I never thought I would miss someone this much."


Eighth Message:

"There's this really long essay I have to write. If you were here you'd be rolling your eyes at the subject we're supposed to write it on. Please stay safe. I miss you."


Ninth Message:

"I went to Pop's for the first since I left the first message. I can't look at the spot we sat at after watching Love Simon. You're the only thing I think about lately. Wherever you are, please be safe."


Tenth Message:

"This is Cheryl. I'm off doing something faboo. Leave a message... if you must." Hearing Cheryl's voice on her voicemail brings the tears back to Toni's eyes. She misses this girl with her whole heart.

"Cheryl... this is the tenth message I've left. Wherever you are, I hope you're hearing this. My voice telling you that I'm right here, right by your side. You're not alone Cheryl. Not ever again."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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