Chapter 3: The Diner

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Bella POV

I knew it was time, Jasper was ready, and the longer i kept him away the harder it would be. i took a breath.

"Jasper we need to talk" he looked at me confused

"about...?" he asked

"school" his body went rigid and i didn't need his gifts to know he was panicked

"Jasper, the longer we wait the harder it will be" i explained "we can start in a small town, to ease you into it, small town, small population, small school" he relaxed a fraction of a centimeter but he started breathing again. he breathed deeply and we locked eyes.

"do you think i'm ready?" he asked

"I know you are" i told him, he breathed deep

"when do we start?" 

"I have a house, it small, only 2 bedrooms so it's a little cramped but it's in a really small town in Maine, really small school only about 250 students" he looked determined as he spoke

"lets go make it 252." we both smiled as we took off throught the woods.


"Japer, i'm headed out to the library, you coming?" he flew down the stairs fully dressed his hair still a little damp from the shower.

"lets go" he said. as we walked down the street in silence people stared as we walked pass with an amount of grace that was not natural for a human "Bella, reflection" Jasper whispered to me, his voice strained, i nodded slightly as i put up my power reflection shield, i felt a strange boucing against it that i recognized as Jasper's calming waves, i heard him sigh slightly in relief beside me.

"you ok?" i asked him just making sure

"yah, can we go into the diner?" he asked, i was confused

"why?" I asked "you want a milkshake?" I teased

"haha" he fake laughed "i dunno, i just feel drawn to it i guess?" i shrugged as we headed towards the diner. when we walked in i was immediatley nervous, it was such a small area filled with so many humans but Jasper seemed strangley at ease. he walked to a booth and sat down, i sat down across from him confused

"Jasper? whats going on?" i asked worried now, can Vampires go crazy? i felt a slight pain in my chest as i thought about people 'going crazy' poor Alice, i missed her.

"may I sit here?" I was pulled from my thoughts as a girl spoke, i turned to tell her no but my mouth fell open and my eyes went wide. 

"Alice!?" I half yelled, but thats impossible, she was dead, she had to be dead, it was so long ago. but it was her, her short spiky hairm her pixieish face that little bounce she always had in her step, but more than that her smile was the same that smile that had made me leap off that cliff so many years ago. 

"um, yah, actually, how did you know my name?" she asked, sounding absolutley baffled.

"we're sisters" i said not even thinking her eyes went wide

"did you know me? when i was human!?" she sounded so excited, and i was just getting more and more confused by the situation.

"Bella?" i heard Jasper and i tore my gaze away, he looked so panicked i snapped myself out, he nodded to his left and i looked over. watching us were 3 Vampires, all glaring, Jasper and i locked eyes and i raised my mute shield to surround Alice, Jasper and myself.

"Alice sit down please." i said without looking away from Jasper as he sent calming waves towards me, keeping me calm as i needed to focus. Jasper spoke for me as i needed to concentrate. 

"Alice, we don't have alot of time so here's what needs to happen" Jasper said in a serious tone "you and I are going to stand up and hold hands as we walk calmly out of the diner, Bella is going to meet us back at our house in a few minutes, we're going to be calm and i need you not to speak at all until we say you can, not even once we leave, do you understand" Alice nodded "good, Bella you sure you got this" i nodded though i wasn't. 

"if you could hurry though that would be nice, this is starting to hurt and i need energy to protect myself while i talk to them." he nodded and even i could hear the strain in my voice, Jasper stood and Alice followed, their hands locked and Jasper gave me one last last hopeful look, pleading with me to not do anything stupid before they both disappeared. my shield snapped back to me and i switched it to mental and physical, i stood and walked over to the other Vampires table.

"hello" i said Kindly

"hey" said the girl, she was you're average vampire, nothing special, she had the perfect features the pale skin and of course the bright crimson eyes, her only unique feature was her fire red hair. her companions were both boys though by the way they sat I figured the blond one was her mate and she didn't like the one with black hair very much, they both were tall and lean, the blond one put his arm around the girl, the one with black hair watched him do that then rolled his eyes.

"we mean you no trouble" said the one with black hair "I'm Laurent, this is James and Victoria" he gestured to them as he introduced them, James looked me up and down.

"will she do Laurent?" he asked "i'd like to get this over with" Laurent looked me up and down.

"yes, she will most certainly" Laurent said greddily, i realized with a shock what they meant.

"look" I said "you all seem very nice, but i'm no ones sex toy and so if you don't mind i'll be leaving now" i stood to leave but Laurent grabbed my arm and yanked me down, he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"oh, but you don't understand, i'm not asking" i shuddered at his touch but then i felt an arm on my shoulder and a voice came from behind me.

"Bella i think we should go, now." Jasper said, i didn't know how he knew to come back but in that moment i didn't really care, i was too relieved. i yanked my arm from Laurent and stood.

"I agree" i said coldly and we walked out of the restaurant.

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