This is my own vengence

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(Song above is just kind of fitting for this chapter)

Y/N's pov(using demonic voice until said otherwise)

We arrived at the gates of beacon. There they are. My "lovers".

Y/N: So nice to see you all again. But you all probably feel differently.

Sun: Dude. Cmon man don't do this to them. (Looks over to Phyrra, Nora, and cfvy)

Y/N: Shut it lard ass!*kicks sun in face*

Ruby: Y/N! Leave them alone! This is our fault ok! Please leave them alone!

Y/N:Do you think that's how this shit works?! You think that you can say your sorry and everything's better?! Well guess what little red. Life isn't all sunshine and fucking rainbows!!! Life is all darkness, cheating and backstabbers.

I looked over to Phyrra who was crying. I walked over to her a caressed her soft face. Mostly just to tick Cinder and velvet off but to show comfort.

Y/N:Adam have your men take velvets team and these two lovely's( Phyrra and Nora) away from these filth infested swine.

With that Adam and his men took the people I had mentioned over to Salem.

Y/N:Now...(summons sword) who should I kill first.

I love the look of terror on their faces. Unable to look literal death in the eye. Well all except for one.

Y/N:Oh Rennnnnnnn...

As I said this he seemed to lose his called semblance state.

Ren: Y/N please let's talk about this...

Y/N: I've talked long enough. I think that you need some help.

Ren: Wh-what's that?

Y/N:*shoves him up onto his feet and holds blade to Ren's neck.* you need to learn what happens when you piss me off.

With that I cut Ren straight in half. The screams of many viewers filled the air. Such a wonderful feeling. *uses demonic spell to bring Ren back to life.*

Ren: What the hell...

Neptune: Wha-what in gods name...

Y/N:You all will suffer for a long time. I will put you back together then take you apart all over again. *laughs manically.* take them away.

Just as I finish Tyrian shows up.

Y/N:I assume you found who I was looking for.

Tyrian: Yes I did. * steps aside to reveal Raven*


Yang: Mom?!

Qrow:Raven?! What the hell are you doing get away from those maniacs!!

As he finished that sentence Ravens band of hunters came in by the Grimm and filled in my army even more.

Raven: Qrow in this world it's survival of the fittest. Even if that means some sacrifices are necessary .

Qrow: So you're willing for your daughter and niece to be slaughtered over and over again just because they hurt the kids feelings?!!!

Raven: You're blind Qrow. The strength in this god is strong enough to kill every citizen of Remnant with a single snap with his army.

Ozpin:Son I know I wasn't there for you when you were young and I know living on your own without anyone was hard but please don't go down this path.

Y/N: Too late. I would say try to stop me but you don't exactly have an army fit for war. Oh and by the way might want to by some Grimm repellent.

With those words Salem summoned every Grimm imaginable as they began to tear beacon apart.

Y/N:Before I leave perhaps and example of what I'm capable of is needed Father...

As I said that I summoned every crystalic power and sent a hell storm of dust powers down onto beacon. Screams, fire, bloodied ice shards, lightning, and all other terrible things filled the air of vale.

Y/N: Raven, darling care to get us out of here.

Raven proceeded to summon a large portal to take my army back to Salem's kingdom. Before I entered I looked back to Ozpin who was standing in mortal fear and shock.

Y/N:Let this be a lesson to you father! Don't you ever cross my path AGAIN!

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'd love to talk to all of you or answer some questions you may have. So if you do please message me on Wattpad and I'll try to get to you ASAP thanks.

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