3. Well, fu-

33 3 2

I was in a splendid mood after I coerced, correction, forced, Travis to agree to my completely normal request.

The day flew in a blur—there was something I was sure that I was forgetting, but I guess it wasn't anything important.

The next morning——-

"Landon!!! Wake up!" A voice screeched in my ear, and I felt my warm heaven stripped of my blanket. I flipped over, smacking my hand towards the source of the voice.

"Hell no, bitches!" I grunted, burying my head in the pillow quickly before the blow landed on my face. I heard a dissatisfied huff, before the person, namely Ash, ran down the stairs. I groaned, then quickly pulled on some articles of clothing nearest to me. So, today was the day of the scouting, hmm? This will be quite interesting. There is so many things I could do to him-waterboarding, staking, fake execution, gaslighting, hanging, plain ol' original torture, and so much more. My train of thought continued until I realized I was pulling a shirt as a sock.  Dammit.

The first thing I heard when walking down the squeaky staircase was Ash's voice.

"Mom, Landon swore at me! He's stupid!" Thanks, lil' sis who's at least a teenager.

"Deal with it." That was mom.

"Calm, calm, everyone. Now is not the time of bickering when we can talk about how to save the earth—"

All three of us exchanged a glance of annoyance, before flipping our ignore switches and digging in our eggs. Not me though, fried eggs are enough to make me gag. Drinking my cup of milk and ignoring the nagging coming out of mom and sister #1, I grabbed my pack and bolted out the door with the speed of a guy running from his crazy family. Which I was. Before I left, I heard a wise word of advice from Ash: "don't kill yourself!"

Thanks. Your concern makes my heart fuzzy.


The school did its own act of ignore, as usual. However, surprisingly, there were stragglers hanging around lockers.
I watched with detached disinterest as a 9th grader tripped, scattering all his books and notes on the cold floor. I noted the bright blue binder and plain, ragged pencil bag. Because of the great Samaritan I am, I decided to help.

I walked over in my usual rolling gait, and crouched down, flashing him a smile that still had a residue of joy from yesterday.

"Do you need help?" I asked generously, my smile growing wider. The kid's face blanched, and his eyes darted as if looking for escape.

"N-no," he stammered, fingers scrambling to form the pile that was his homework. "I——have to g-go n-now!"

I watched as he sprinted towards class like a bolt, and sighed. I wasn't scary or anything, right? It was just an innocent smile. Just because I hurt one kid didn't mean I went around wantonly killing people, as much as I want to. What a bunch of narrow minded bastards. I stood up while scratching my hair. Something didn't feel right. I felt a brief gaze rake over my body, and turned around only to see—

Travis, standing behind a pillar.

Travis, looking completely at ease.

"Well, well," I drawled lazily, ignoring the prickles of discomfort and the vague voice in my head that asked, how much did he see? "I think I've just seen the birth of a new stalker. Should I be proud?"

"I think you've scared the kid. I wonder why..."

"Because I am a nice person that has a good temper, stalker."

Travis paused, his expression twisting into one of suppressed laughter. I think my expression was one of suppressed violence. As usual, he was wearing his signature white t-shirt and jeans combo, the same as before(the reminder made me angrier), and it made him look dashing. An observation that I hated myself for.

"You haven't changed a bit. See you later, idol." Travis's eyes glimmered, a faint smirk hanging on his lips. He flashed me a wink, then headed towards what seemed to be history class, except he was in a completely wrong direction—as heaven had it, we had the same timetable. The flash of anger from his jab dissipated, and I rejoiced in my score.

So much for your cool, suave exit, pretty boy.

Travis: 0 Landon: 1

That is, until I realized I didn't know where his house was.


I looked at the scribbled address on the paper, and compared it to the apartment in front of me. It was hard not to get distracted by the nice printing and that random "XD" on the end of the address. What was he trying to do, cringe me to death? But still, that brief whimsical remark didn't take away from where it pointed. The stupid elevator was shiny enough to blind me with that bright marble and clear mirrors.

I stared at the luxurious heavy wood and gilded numbers set in the wooden door. This was it. The natural habitat of the wild Travis. And dammit, why was his house the penthouse? Since when was he so rich?

Oh. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, a door I kept locked opened. Travis was the son of a rich heiress. Cliche.

Shaking my head to clear it, I hiked up my book bag, scuffed my old, beaten shoes, and gathered up my courage to knock that heavy door. The door opened———


A/N: I'm too lazy to write more, so deal with the cliffie. Here is the start of our story!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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