cupcakes_and_fanfics tagged me
1: I can pick a favorite song, there's just so much good music!2: talked about this before. Basically I'm scared of having a fear, because I worry if I have something I'm deadly afraid of, it might get in the way of living my life to the fullest.
3: optimist. Unless it's about my self esteem. Then I'm a full pessimist...
4: Winter(I love the cold, and hate the heat)
5: not school
6: Literally, all of them. And all bugs.
7: a lot of them. MacDoesIt, IISuperWomanII, Szin, TheOdd1sout, and a lot more.
8: 2 cats, a dog, bearded dragon, guinea pig, and (at my step-moms house) 5 snakes. There will most definitely be more to come.
9: Single, and not looking to mingle.
10: both
11: all animals
12: some sort of entertainment (comics, art, music, acting, etc.) or a math teacher.
13: no, but I want to dye it red.
14: apple(they suck, but I prefer it over android)
15: don't have one
16 "Quotes are stupid"- me
17: self loathing and tired
18: introvert with some (very few) extrovert qualities.
19: Vanilla
20: Both
21: Pool
22: neither
23: pansexual
24: I actually hear "yúri"
25: no
26: 13 reasons why
27: purple
28: instant cup o' noodles
29: I literally should be asleep right now. But I'm doing this tag instead cause I'm a stubborn b*tch.
30: 😂and❤️ are my favorite emojis
31: instagram
32: France
33: New Zealand
34: I don't know what those are.
35: Canada, London, Japan.
36: Showers
37: 4th of July (it's a really chill holiday, it's just fireworks, cookouts, food, and drunkies)
38: Neither, both suck. I have to go to school and it's warm.
39: Fire and Gold
40: both
41: Pop
42: pizza
43: multiple
44: apples and grapes
45: yes
46: yes
47: both
48: no
49: all of them
50: they were okay.
People I tag