•Chapter 3•

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Momo's POV
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The next day, after the incident I encountered with the giant, I wanted to go back. I did not understand why I wanted to go back but I just did. I was awoken to the sound of the birds singing, their chirping melody did sooth my anxiety away, as I feared for the worse for our family. I managed to slowly get out of bed and be embraced by the sun's warmth. I was simply wearing a white night gown with my hair flowing down to my sides, it was wavy but it managed to stay straight. To start the day going, I grabbed the wooden brush from my dresser and started brushing the tangles out of my messy hair.

I stared into the mirror with a smile plastered on my face. I was daydreaming and I couldn't help myself to daydream the unique giant that I locked eyes with. His beautiful icy stare made my heart flutter. I felt my face getting hot and my cheeks were starting to show a red tint to them. Before staring off into space, I quickly shook my head and got dressed into something casual. I made my way down the red carpeted stairs and stopped in my tracks once I noticed my mother wasn't home but a plate of breakfast was freshly baked on the wooden table and a note.

Fear had taken over my body as I quickly rushed to the table to read the note. Negative thoughts had consumed my brain, thinking that my parents were killed or even captured but soon it all washed away once understanding the note, releasing my breath from relief.

Dear, Momo.

Your father and I are out looking for items for the house, we already know that they are giants above us. Please do not worry about us, we will be home soon, please try to get something to eat. We love you.

Sincerely, your mother.

Once I knew that my parents were safe, I could gladly dig into my breakfast. I couldn't. Knowing that my parents were out there, I might as well freak out. I surely did not want to die, leaving me alone to fear for my own well being but I should not doubt them, father is one brave man and also strong willed! It would be disrespectful if I doubted him. Once I finished my plate of pancakes, I stood up and washed my fork and plate, not wanting to put any stress on my parents. My eyes caught the presence of the wooden door that lead to the outside world. Thinking about the male again, I wanted to see him again but I was afraid that he might not be safe.

I inhaled a deep breath and glared at the door, waisting no time to put on my boots. I hesitantly grabbed onto the golden door knob and exhaled. I planned to be home before my parents arrived, which would be awhile, but you never know. Washing away any fear I had, I quickly opened the door and closed it. Running down the gray, stone path- along the stream that lead me to the outside world. I was met by the metallic, caged entrance, sliding into one of the open spaces, I noticed a dandelion and a piece of paper that looked like a note.

Curiosity clouded my mind, as my hand reached over to the dandelion, hugging it. My other hand wandered over to the paper, opening the note. I was, astonished. Speechless.


All it said was an apology. 'Was it from the giant?' The idea that it could of been the giant overflowed my head but immediately was cut off when I heard a rather calming voice. "It's you again..." My head snapped at the voice as I was met with the male giant I first locked eyes with. His facial expression showed nothing but his eyes were soft, showing no will to harm. Though, my anxiety kicked in, as I rushed into the empty space, hiding behind the stone wall. "Wait...!" The male said as he paused for a brief moment "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to alarm or scare you... I have no intentions on harming you.." His soothing voice flowed through my ears as I held my chest in fear.

"W--What if you are lying?!" I snapped, fearing for my life, which I soon regretted for my tone of voice. "That's understandable but there would of been more people around me..." He made a slight valid point, knowing that there were more giants that lived in the house above where I live than just him. I slowly peeked my head as I was met with that icy stare again, my heart was certainty pounding like a drum. "I--I am sorry..! Please forgive me.." Bowing before the giant, I heard a slight chuckle coming from him "There's no need for you to do that.. I understand to not trust someone that looks like a threat to you but.. I just wanted to see if you were real.." A blush rised up to my cheeks, standing up straight.

"W--Well, I am here arent I..?" I tilted my head to the side, looking up at him, meeting my gaze with him. He nodded and shifted himself, slightly in his wheel chair. "You know.. I wanted to see you again and tell you that... You look beautiful.." My face was probably a tomato by now and I was just filled with embarrassment. "W--What?! N--No.. I do not look beautiful.. Well not to me at least.." I tilted my head, slightly, down. It was true, I did not see myself as beautiful. I was always filled with low confidence, fearing that I mess things up and I eventually give up on myself or whatever I wanted to do.

The giant shook is head and gave a small, reassuring, smile "No.. It's true.. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I was confused, why was he saying all these things? He glanced over to his house, seeming like he was on the look out, his smile faded and it returned to it's natural frown. His eyes shifted back towards me and sighed, he made his right hand into a fist but put out his pinkie. "I'm Todoroki Shouto.." He stated  in a nonchalanty tone. I stared, bewildered that he told me his name and that he was being friendly with a small person like me. I heard stories from my mother that giants were monsters and dangerous but not this particular giant. He seemed calm, kind and collected.

I placed my two, small hands onto the male's soft pinkie. I looked up at and flashed him a warm smile.

"My name is Yaoyorozu Momo.."

(( Decided to make another chapter since I was bored. I hope you enjoy! ❤

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