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"It was a plan to enter one of the guards bodies to escape the location, unseen, undetected. But, when your mother came to visit me, she found out about my plan, and stole the blueprints. When your father was building you, I was there. As he built you, he accidentally put the blueprints inside of your head. So, I had to get it one way or another. But, I was unsuccessful seeing that you still have them," he said as Jesse tighten his grip on them.

"I had to sneak into that Linda girl's car to even get here.  But, you dear boy, are smart than you think. You could repair yourself, and can build anything you could desire. If you join me dear boy, your parents, and everyone here would be safe, and wouldn't have to deal with me coming back here. So, what do you say?" Jesse looked at the blueprints in his hand,"You'll never bother them again? If I join you to make your stupid machine?" He asked."All it takes is to shake my hand to seal the deal,"Ennard said as he held his hand out for him.

~After awhile~

"M-mom. D-dad, wake up,"Jesse said shaking his parents, making them conscious again."J-jesse?" Jester said fluttering her eyes open,"Is it over? Is he gone?" "Yes, we're safe now," He helped both of them to their feet as the others came back. Ira had came up to them, hugging them into a group hug,"W-wait our parents are they okay, too?" She asked.
"What, happened?" floating into the room was Marionette, followed by Golden Freddy, and the gang."Dad!" Ira said going up towards them as she hugged them,"You guys are okay!"

"Did we miss something?" Freddy asked."Nothing much, just an intruder, but we handled it pretty well," Jesse said waving the plans in his hand."So, Ennard was after that?" Marionette asked as Jesse nodded,"I hope you'll keep that in a safe place, my boy.""Don't worry, it's going to be safe with me." "You did good, son,"Springtrap said ruffling his hair."Thanks, dad." "This calls for a party!" Chica said as everyone cheered.

After a bit of party, and celebrating, everyone went back to their places as it was time for their next adventure.

~Jesse's and Ennard's talk~

"All it takes is to shake my hand to seal the deal,"Ennard said extending his hand out to him. Jesse didn't budge,"Hm. Say Jesse how is that crush on Damian going, hm? Oh, not so good is it? It's a shame, someone like him should adore you, and not treat you like a little boy, should they?"

"Don't talk about Damian!" Jesse burst in rage,"Don't you ever talk about him like that,  he's treated me with kindness, and all do respect.""But, you want more than that, don't you? You want nothing, but his love and attention, you...love him, is that correct?" Ennard said as he tried to get into Jesse's mind."Yes, but he...rejected my love, he said he loves someone else,"Jesse said in the verge of tearing up.

"You're afraid of rejection, Jesse. All you wanted was him to be in love with you like you were to him, but, there's always someone in the way, isn't there?" Ennard said evilly. "What are you implying?" Jesse asked,"That I get rid of them?""No no no, that's what you're implying. But, craziness runs in the family, doesn't it, dear boy. Take what he has, that will help you later, take something that will hurt him, like it hurt you.""I-I-""I can help you, just shake my hand Jesse, and all the pain can go away," Ennard said before Jesse hesitantly shook his hand as a wide grin showed upon both of their faces.

"Very good, boy."

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