how it all began. // 1

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I never meant to go to the club.
I never meant to hook up with him.
I never meant to fall in love with him.
And I never meant to let him break my heart. Over, and over again.
Betty's POV:
'Crap. Who's bed is this.' Was all I could think. Then last nights adventure came crashing in like a wave. Now don't get me wrong; I am NOT a one night stand kind of girl. I only went to the club because my best friend, Veronica thought it'd be a good way to move on from my ex Brandon. I wouldn't have had a drink if it wasn't for my cousin, Cheryl. They are BOTH fully aware of what happens when I'm drunk. I have a drink and go do some crazy ass stuff. In this case, hooking up with someone. Oh god. I hope the mystery club guy isn't ugly as a cock. No not that one. Stop being dirty minded, I meant the farm animal cock. As I turn on to my side I see the most handsome human being ever. He had gorgeous jet black hair, it was clear that it was dyed, he had a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SIX pack! He had some adorable moles on his neck, I couldn't tell what eye color he had since he was asleep. oh crap he's waking up. Pretend you're asleep.
Jughead's POV
Shit I'm wasted. And.... naked. Not a surprise. I'm used to waking up next to chicks because that's me. A player. I'm not even ashamed. I turn on my side to see if I've had sex with someone who I'm not calling back or actually giving a chance, wait. Me? Giving someone a chance? I nearly laughed at the idea. Hot or not, good or not I NEVER call people back. It's a waste of my time and means not as much fun with others, in my 18 years of living I've had 2 relationships, one in kindergarten so I can't remember much, her name was Brittany meaning she was the rich bitch of the class. Most Brittany's are, even in kindergarten. She got annoying so I dumped her, infront of everyone when she asked me to the end of
kindergarten dance. The second was last year, she was sweet at first. I generally enjoyed myself until I caught her in bed with someone else. Sure I'm a player but I hadn't slept with anyone else the whole relationship. It lasted eight months before she got busted.
That's when I saw her. Freckles, blonde hair, an adorable nose and fluffy pink lips. After a few minutes of admiring her I heard slight giggling, looking down and realising she was awake and I was the busted one.
Betty's POV
As I fluttered my eyes open after I accidentally fell asleep, I saw, I think his name was Mughead, no Pughead? Wait I have it, Jughead. He was- admiring me? The thought of a boy admiring me made me giggle. A little too loud, I knew because he looked down at me and that damn smile. Right then and there, that 5 seconds of eye contact made me sure, I. Was. Already. Falling. For. Him. He was leaning in, atleast I thought. If you couldn't tell by the 'I thought' get ready for something embarrassing. I pushed my lips onto his since I thought he was leaning in, he was tense, but kissing back, then I'm guessing he realised what was happening because he pulled back and whispered, 'I think you should go.' I walked out with tears of embarrassment threatening to spill. As soon as his apartment door shut I collapsed and letting my tears spill, after 5 minutes of crying, my throat closed up, I can barely breathe, I'm having an panic attack, but how? I'm not anxious? I knock on the door faintly with my free hand, as soon as Jughead opened the door, my vision went black.

Word Count; 709 Words.

Sorry if any of this info is wrong, I've never had a panic attack and if any spellings are wrong it's because I'm British and not American. I'm trying to write it American though so bYe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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