Teen Titans Go! The Big Breakfast Battle

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Italics: Narrator talking directly to characters

Bold: Emphasised tone

It was morning in Jump City, and in Titan Tower, the Teen Titans were training in an obstacle course.  It was the same one as in No Powers so the Titans used their powers.  That meant Raven finished first, then Beast Boy, and then Starfire and Cyborg, and finally Robin.  Because the Titans cheated--

"Hey!" shouted Raven angrily.  "We did not cheat!"

You're right, Raven.  You didn't cheat.  Sorry.

"What do you mean, 'you didn't cheat.'?" demanded Robin.  "Of course they cheated!"

"No we did not cheat," said Starfire.

"Yes you did!" cried Robin.

"Did not," said Cyborg.

"Did too!" said Robin.

"Didn't!" said Beast Boy.

"Did!" said Robin.

"Nope," said Raven.

"Yep!" said Robin.

Stop arguing with Raven.

"You're the one who said they cheated in the first place!" Robin said.  "Wait, who are you?"

I'm the narrator.  What I say goes.  And I changed my mind about the cheating.  Raven's my favorite character, so if you hurt her feelings your pants will burst into flames.  And also if you make me mad.

Robin grumbled somthing about biased narrators, and his pants immediately caught fire.  He ran screaming through the tower, into the bathroom, and sat in the toilet to put out the flames.

"Hey, narrator!" said Beast Boy.  "Have we eaten breakfast yet?  I'm hungry."

No you haven't eaten breakfast yet.  That's the point of the story.  Now go to the kitchen to eat.

The Titans, minus Robin (who was trying, unsuccessfully, to get out of the toilet without his pants falling apart), obeyed the narrator and went into the kitchen for breakfast.  Beast Boy got a bowl of Squid Puffs.  Cyborg got some Bat-O's.  Starfire took a Tamarranean cake out of the fridge.  And Raven began searching for a box of her favorite cereal, PPPFlakes.  When she couldn't find it, she turned to the other Titans and demanded, "Where are my PPPFlakes?"

"Oh," said Cyborg, "Robin ate them for a midnight snack last night.  He finished them off."

PPPFlakes were a promotional cereal for Pretty Pretty Pegasus.  And bad news about PPP was one of the few things that could get Raven so upset that she cried.  When Cyborg told her about Robin's theft of her PPPFlakes, Raven began bawling.  And when Raven began crying, things began exploding.  The microwave exploded.  The table exploded.  The fresh pants that Robin had just changed into exploded as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey!" cried Robin.  "Why me?"

Because I don't like you.

"Why not?"

Because in the Tv show, you complain too much about not having powers.

"That's not my fault!  That's the scriptwriters' fault!  Gimme back my pants!"


Robin's pants reappeared over his PPP boxers.

"What the heck?"

Teen Titans Go!  The Big Breakfast BattleWhere stories live. Discover now