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No one is perfect in this world. But there will be a person who is perfect for you.

- Late Autumn, 2015

" I say, Nicholas Reed is the most perfect guy in our campus. He is smart, tall, handsome, rich as hell, and- of course the most important of all, a body to die for-" Selene's words are cuts by Melodie.

" Yes. He is. But he is also have a different girl every week. Besides, he is in International Affair department, there are many girls there. We would not have a chance..." Melodie slumps on the table. Skylar roll her eyes and I giggle.

" That is true. Just because we have one class with him doesn't mean he will agree to help us " Selene and Melodie sigh.

Skylar open her laptop and begin searching something. Me, Melodie, and Selene watching her open our school forum website.

What are we doing?

We are having a project assignment from Photography class. It will determine 40% of our credits. Prof. Sein actually gave the assignment in the beginning of the semester, but we are too busy with our other assignments. When Melodie heard from one of her roommates that their group have already done their assignment, she begin frantic and telling us to begin do it.

The assignment is collected at the end of semester (which is like in one and a half month later), but Skylar said our group got a very "long and semi difficult" task to complete it because of the topic.

" Skylar!!!! You. Are. A. Goddess. I love you!!!" Selene exclaim wanting to kiss Skylar's cheek. Skylar just slap her off.

" How can I forget about the handsome pageant our campus has. You truly are smart, Skylar" Skylar just roll her eyes. " Derrick is one of them, remember. I can't believe my di*khead of boyfriend would enter in semifinal, but this information is not in vain, I guess".

" Every department has their own candidates, we can just choose one of them. Everyone that will help us " Melodie and Selene giggle nodding to me.

Skylar begin scrolling every candidates profile. This handsome pageant is last year's pageant. Some of the candidates are already graduating last semester. In the end, from 42 candidates, it reduces to 31. It is a pity Derrick graduated.

" What about Evan Wellington from Finance? I heard he is nice " Selene point at Evan's picture. Melodie just telling Skylar to keep scrolling. " You forget that his girlfriend is highly sensitive? I want to keep my college life peaceful you know". Selene just grin shamelessly at Melodie.

We keep eliminating candidates that are not suitable for our assignment. It reduces more to 9 highly attractive men.

" So, we have Adrian Kent from Biomed, Sean Hastings from Business, Rowan Neels from Foreign Languages, Hunter Adams from Chem, Xander Novak from our department, Kaden Feif from Machine Engineering, Caleb Summers from Electrical Engineering, Gabriel Chen from Economy, and Alec Kostas from Math- By the way, isn't Sean is your cousin?" Skylar tells us the candidates, and asking me.

" He will not agree. If he agrees, he will make sure to rob us. He is the devil, you know?" I plop my chin on the desk. Sean is rich, but he can manipulate you to an agreement on his terms. I have been through it all since I was two for 17 years, thankyouverymuch.

Skylar cross Sean's name. " What about Kaden? He seems nice " Melodie looking through his profile. Selene, Skylar, and I nod and put him into our maybe list.

So far, we eliminated it to 5 men including Kaden, Xander, Rowan, Alec, and Caleb. We are debating whether to throw our department's Xander or not.

"-But, he is our department's top list student. He seems okay I think. He is pretty hot too..." Selene argue with Skylar.

" I know, but he is a little too perfect. He is considered god in our department, extremely hot, and I heard his father is a surgeon and his mother is a well known attorney, he is good at every sport as far as we know, He is modest but not stingy. He is not as rich as Sean or Rowan, or even Nicholas, but he is still rich. He is the definition of perfect-"

Melodie cut off Skylar and whisper, " But I heard from the rumors that he is not interested in girls, so... I think he is not that Mr. Perfect " Skylar and I frown. Well, if he is indeed like men, nothing wrong with it. I guess every person has their own imperfectionality. Not that becoming gay is bad, though. But I think this is the reason why our department can not have pageant trophy last year. Not that Xander care.

He is indeed our Architecture department's pride. I heard on his first year, he already take his name as one of the legendary basketball player in our campus. On the second year, he joined a senior team to make some office building prototype. Last year, he is on the third place in handsome pageant in our campus. I don't even want to know what it entails. Last year also, he is ranked as number 1 on our top rank student of the year beating his seniors. He is in fourth year, now. But I think none of the third year, freshmen, or my second year can beat him.

" Blair, you think we should throw him off? But I think he will help us. At least, we are in the same department right?" Selene asks me pleading.

" I think at least as his junior, we should ask him too. Whether he will agree or not, it's his decision. We can just hope that he will not resent us that all his admirers will harassing us". They all nodded.

So, that is settled. Since we are only four people, and our candidates for this assignment project is five, we eventually divided the 'asking for help' part to Kaden and Rowan by me, Xander by Melodie, Alec by Skylar, and Caleb by Selene.

Melodie begin to take my hand and flutter her eyes at me. " BearBlair, you have Kaden and Rowan that are considered easy to ask but I have god Xander. Please exchange with me..." Her smile is so sweet I almost have diabetes. " No". Selene and Skylar just laugh.

She begin pouting but still held my arm. " Pleaseeeee...... I will treat you ChickyCheeze everyday for 1-no! 2 weeks!" Her offer is tempting.

" Make it a month and it is a deal"

Her eyes are sparkling as she grin wide at me. " Blair, you are the best!!!"
We all just laugh.

- A/N
I dont really speak english so pardon my grammar and mistakes.
Cheesy story, i know. Lol. I just want to write what I want to read.
Pardon for the "like men" thing. I think being gay is okay and nothing wrong with it.
Sorry for the inconvenience

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