Chapter 1 - Imaculate Misconceptions

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I walked out of the wretched place they call school and looked around for my friend Chris. I looked around and saw him walking out the front doors. "Hey Autumn, how was your last day?" He asked.

I shrugged. "It was the same as any other day, I guess."

"I'm sorry.  Hey we have our first band practice today, wanna come and meet the band?" he asked excitedly.  I smiled and nodded. "Sure," I texted my mom and told her i was going to Chris's house. She said it was okay so we got into Chris's car and drove to his house. We walked inside and got a snack.

There was a knock at the door and Chris put down his food and ran up to the door and answered it. Four boys stood in the doorway and he let them in and brought them into the kitchen where I was sitting. "Autumn, this is Ricky Olson, Josh Balz, Devon Sola, and Ryan Sitkowski. Guys, this is Autumn." I waved and said hi and they all waved and said hi back.

About a half an hour later I was sitting in the garage watching the guys practice. Ricky would stare at me until I looked, then he would direct his attention elsewhere. I took out my phone and crossed my legs on the mini fridge I was sitting on. I opened snapchat and started taking a video of the boys playing. I put it on my story and put my phone away only to find Ricky staring at me again. He blushed and looked at his feet and smiled. I smiled back and saw Chris looking at me with his eyebrows raised. "What?" I mouthed and he shrugged and smiled, still singing/screaming.

*Rickys P.O.V.*

Me and the boys walked up to the front door and Ryan knocked. A few seconds later Chris opened the door and let us in. He walked us through the living room and into the kitchen. At the kitchen table was a gorgeous girl. She has long black hair and blue eyes. Chris introduced us and we all said hi.

We were practicing in Chris's garage and I couldn't help but stare at her. Every time she would look at me i would try to look somewhere else right away. She took out her phone and crossed her legs on the mini fridge she was sitting on and faced her phone towards us. She put her phone away and looked directly at me and we caught eye contact for a second and I could feel my face getting red as I looked down at my feet. I noticed her and Chris having a silent conversation and something hit me. They were probably dating! How could I not have noticed this before. I'm so stupid for even thinking she was single, I mean look at her, she's perfect!

We finished practice and put our instruments back in the corner on their stands. We all went inside and sat in the livingroom. We sat and talked for a while until Ryan brought up how everyone had a girlfriend accept me. My mood completely dropped. I stood up and walked out of the house, pulling out a cigarette as I stepped off the front porch. I leaned against the hood of one of the cars and pulled on my hair. I looked up and let the smoke fall out of my mouth. Autumn walked out and stood next to me.

"You alright?" She asked worriedly?

I nodded. "Yeah, just needed some fresh air," I replied taking another drag from my cigarette.

"You need fresh air yet your smoking?" She asked giving me a little smile.

I grinned. "Yea, I needed to ruin something, so I'm ruining my lungs and the air,"

"Haha, we're all addicted to something that takes away the pain," she said and I looked down to see her rubbing her wrist over her sweatshirt.

I pretended I hadn't seen anything. I put out my cigarette and stood up straight and licked my lips. Chris came outside and walked over to us. "Ghost and Balz are staying over tonight, you guys wanna stay too?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Sure, I don't think I'm doing anything tonight or tomorrow,"

"Awesome, what about you Autumn?" He asked and I quietly hoped she would say yes.

"Yeah, sure," she answered. I mentally had a party. Wait, why am I acting like this? Her and Chris are dating. I'm not going to break them apart. I wouldn't do that to them.

*Autumn's P.O.V.*

We were sitting on the couches in the basement watching a horror movie on Chris's huge TV. I was sitting next to Ricky and Chris on the couch to the left and Balz and Ghost were sitting on the couch facing the TV. We were watching the movie The Haunting Of Helena, and we were at the part where the "Tooth fairy" came out of the daughters wardrobe and was trying to get the mom and daughter. I buried my face into the blanket and felt someone rubbing my back. I looked over to Chris to see him asleep, and realised it was Ricky who was rubbing my back. I snuggled into him and felt his body get tense.

"Isn't Chris going to be mad about this?" he whispered into my ear.I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" I whispered back.

He looked back at me with a confused look on his face. He was so cute when he did this. Wait what am I thinking? Did I actually just call Ricky cute?

"Aren't you two dating?" he whispered again. I shook my head and laughed quietly. "Me and Chris are really close, he's like an older brother to me," I replied and snuggled into his chest even more. He is so comfty.

I felt myself start to drift off to sleep, but then I heard someone scream and I know it wasn't me. I opened my eyes again and looked over to see ghost hiding behind the couch, peeking his head over to see what happens next. I laughed and everyone accept Chris put there attention on me and Ricky. "Ooooh, looks like someones getting confortable," Balz said winking. I felt myself blush and hid my face in Rickys chest. "Wait, aren't you and Chris dating?" Ghost asked resuming his position on the couch. I looked up and shook my head. "Does it seriously seem like we're dating?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Well we're not, okay? He's like a brother to me." I answered, pulling the blanket up to my face.

I fell asleep fairly quickly. My body still pressed up against Ricky.

*Authors Note*

So here's the first chapter. Comment and like. The person who's comment makes me smile the most gets a chapter dedicated to them!

Thanks for reading! Love you guys!



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