Chapter 2- A-M-E-R-I-C-A

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I woke up laying down with Ricky next to me, his arms tightly around my waist. I smiled and carefully took his arms off me. I looked around the room and realized nobody else was there. I checked the time on the grandfather clock Chris's parents kept next to the TV. 10:37. I walked up the stairs yawning and everyone was smirking at me.

"Someone looked comfortable this morning," Chris said and I felt myself blush.

"Look! She's blushing!" Balz exclaimed. I glared at him and they both laughed. I sat down on the couch and focused on the cartoons.

I was so focused on the TV that when Ricky sat down on the floor in front of my I jumped. He laughed and leaned his head back to look at me. "Did I scare you?" He asked. I shook my head and grabbed a piece of his hair. I started braiding it.

*Rickys P.O.V.*

Autumn was still playing with my hair when Balz walked over and awed. "Ricky is your little girl friend doing your hair for you?" He said and I put my middle finger up. "Shut up asshole," I said and everyone laughed.

"I have to run to the store for my mom, she needs some shit for dinner tonight. Anyone wanna go with?" Chris asked and we all stood up. Autumn ran out the door without shoes on and yelled "shot gun!" Then ran back inside and put her shoes on like nothing happened. We all put on our shoes and Chris grabbed his keys.

*Chris's P.O.V.*

We were all in my car and I looked in the rear view mirror to find Ricky staring at Autumn. He's been acting differently ever since yesterday when everyone met Autumn. I think Ricky might actually like Autumn. Autumn has been acting the same but I know my best friend, and it seems like she likes him back. I mean, this morning when I woke up I looked over and Ricky was holding her tightly. Autumn also blushed when I said that she looked comfortable.

We got into the store and started looking for the things we needed. Autumn had to go to the bathroom so here was my one chance to talk to Ricky.

"Hey Ricky? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked and Ricky nodded. We walked into an empty isle. "You like Autumn don't you," I said and he nodded. "Yeah, I like her." He responded and kicked at nothing.

I grinned. "So ask her out dude! Tell her you like her!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know man, what if she says no, what if she doesn't like me back?"

I rolled my eyes. "This morning when I woke up, you were holding her in your arms and she had a slight smile on her face. I know for a fact that she likes you okay? She's my best friend."

He sighed. "Are you sure? Because if you are then I will."

I nodded. We walked back to where the guys where standing and we waited for Autumn.

I saw autumn creeping down the frozen foods isle and she put her finger up to her lips, signaling for me to be quiet. I nodded and she ran up to Ricky and jumped on his back. We all started laughing and finished getting the groceries with Autumn on Ricky's back the whole time.

*Autumns P.O.V.*

I got out of the bathroom an heard Chris's and Ricky's voices from the frozen food isle. I stood right out of sight and listened to them.

"I don't know man, what if she says no, what if she doesn't like me back?"

"This morning when I woke up, you were holding her in your arms and she had a slight smile on her face. I know for a fact that she likes you okay? She's my best friend."

"Are you sure? Because if you are then I will."

They stopped talking so I peeked around the corner and they were walking back to Ghost and Balz. I waited till they were by the guys then started quietly walking down the isle. Chris saw me when I was about half way through and I held my fingers up to my lips, signaling for him to keep quiet. I started running and jumped on Ricky's back.

We finished shopping and I was still on Ricky's back. We got outside with a couple bags. Ghost got shotgun and Chris was driving so me, Ricky, and Balz had to sit in the back. I fall asleep in cars really easily so I leaned my head on Ricky's shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I was laying on the couch with my head in Ricky's lap. My mind traveled back to Chris and Ricky's conversation at the store. Ricky likes me a lot. What if he does ask me out? I like him too but he deserves someone better than me... Right?

I moved to a more comfortable position and Ricky looked down at me. I looked back up and I swear I got a little lost in his blue eyes. Okay maybe I got really lost because next thing I know I was pulled off the couch and Chris was standing above me.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Your mom called earlier, she said she needed you home as soon as you woke up." He said and walked away.

"I need a ride, my house is to far for me to walk." I said and Ricky sat up.

"I could take you home," he said.

I got up and grabbed my phone. "Alright, let's go," I said and he got up and found his keys. I have everyone a hug and we walked out the door.

We were sitting in the car and and awkward silence fell over us like a blanket. The blanket must have been getting to hot because Ricky started a conversation.

"So, you and Chris are close, yeah?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, we've been friends for 16 years. Chris was at the hospital when I was being born, and our parents are really good friends, friends even before Chris was born 18 years ago," I fiddled with the bracelet on my arm that Chris had gotten me when I was twelve, he said it was a friend ship bracelet.

"Thats a long time," Ricky said sighing. "What's your address by the way?"

I told him my address. He laughed a little and I gave him a confused look. "I live two blocks away, three houses down on beach street." He said and pulled into my driveway.

I unbuckled and opened my door. I started walking up the sidewalk leading to my door and Ricky followed. I stopped in front of my door and turned around.

"Thanks for driving me home," I paused, "and making me feel safe last night," I said blushing.

"No problem, maybe sometime we could hang out."

I smiled. "Sure, what's you number? Then I'll text you and you'll have mine." I gave him my phone and he added his number into my contacts. He gave my phone back and smiled. "Don't forget to call or text me."

I nodded and held my arms out for a hug. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and we stay'd like that for a while. We let go and said bye. He walked back to his car and I walked inside.

"Honey, who was that?" My mom asked walking out of the kitchen, rinsing her hands off on a hand towel.

"My friend Ricky, he's in Chris's band. He dropped me off because none of the other guys could drive and Chris didn't want to leave Josh, Devon, and Ricky alone in his house." I said and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the kitchen counter.

"Well why don't you help me do some chores before your dad gets home." she said and I helped her do some chores.

After I finished helping my mom with chores, I sat in my room and decided to text Ricky.

(R=Ricky A=Autumn)

A: hey (:

R: hey it's Autumn right

A: nope right now its summer, srry Ricky

R:*rolls eyes* what's up?

A: bored, talking to you, listening to blink 182

R: sounds boring :/ so I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow?

A: yeah sure (: I dnt think I'm doin anything

R: awesome! See you tomorrow love!

I smiled and put my phone away. I can't wait to hang out with Ricky tomorrow. I laid down on my bed and slowly fell asleep.

*Authors note*

This chapter is really long, I'm sorry if that bothered you but what do you guys think so far? Comment what you think and I'll dedicate the next chapter to whoever makes me smile or laugh the most.

Like/comment and thank you for reading!!


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