I'm Sorry

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry to say this, but I'm really unmotivated to write this. It's been feeling more like work to try and get motivated to write this story. I'm really sorry. I'm probably a huge disappointment right now, but I just can't write this anymore. I never really believed in discontinuing stories, but now that I'm this unmotivated, I understand it. I'm really sorry. I had this huge plan for Luffy's backstory, but I just can't write this anymore

Bbbbbuuuutttt if someone wants to adopt this story, I'm up for it! Just ask and I'll hand it over!

Anyways, thanks for reading this far! I've been focusing more on my Naruto fanfic called Drastic Measures. If you like Naruto, you should check it out. I'm not telling you to, but it would be nice if you did.

Thanks for reading my lovelies and remember


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