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~Y/n POV~

I can't believe this happened

My dad, the one I loved so much had just died right in front of me.
I'm 16, I need my dad. He was the only person I'd tell everything to minus my mum (mom)
I just... can't believe that my dad is gone, he's been fighting for his life for a while now trying to battle cancer but he lost his fight and now I'm sitting here holding his lifeless hand with my shaking one.

"I love you dad, I'm going to make you so proud and I'm going to become what I've always wanted to become with what little strength I have in me, I will promise to make you proud"
I said as they wheeled him away.

I got home, sat on my bed and laid down.
I couldn't stop myself from crying I cried and I cried until I fell into a deep sleep.

* Next Morning *

I woke up with mascara all down my face and mascara on my pillow.

"Great now I have to change my pillow cases" ( I don't know what they are called )
I sighed and went into the closet and found some clean pillow cases I changed them and walked into my bathroom and looked at my phone
"Shit it's 6:50 I've got to be at school in less than an hour"
I got into the shower and let the warm water run down my body and it felt nice.
I took a whole half an hour shower because I didn't want to get out.

I eventually got out of the shower and got changed into a pierce the veil hoodie, some black ripped skinny jeans and some black converse shoes.

Then I put on some makeup and done my H/L H/C into (whatever style you want)

I then walked downstairs to see my mum passed out on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand and loads of cans of beer around her.

I sighed and made some breakfast.
I made pancakes and put some on the side for my mum.
I quickly ate my pancakes, grabbed my backpack and keys and ran out of the door and into my car.


Hey guys it's me the author. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. I know it's probably the most horrible chapter you have ever read in your life😂

Just a little bit about me
My name is kyhia but my friends call me Kai or kiwi
I'm 15
I'm from the uk
I'm in my last year of secondary school (year 11)
I sing, play guitar, dance, act and i also do baton twirling. ❤️

Until I post again 😘

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