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A/N have I ever said that Ryuji is Younger than everyone else except Izumo? Yeah I'm having fun with that idea.

Social media AU! (I guess)

Artist! Ryuji
Producer! (or singer/songwriter) Rin

Summary: Who knew that Ryuji was a little shit? Apparently Rin didn't get the memo until it was too late.

"Finally I got the livestream going!" Rin smiled at the monitor in front of him. "Hi everybody! Welcome to my first ever livestream. I hope we all have a great time." He glanced at the chat which was going wild, Mostly of compliments and donations. "Wow guys. You all are a bunch of wild animals." Rin said as he started to try to calm down the chat and let the fans ask him questions.

  It's been 30 minutes into the livestream as Rin heard a door open to his room. "Hey Rin, I got some foo-." Ryuji stopped halfway as he saw what appears to be u-now on Rin's computer. "... Hi everyone!" Ryuji hid himself as quick as he can. He waved from the doorway as Rin gestured him to go away.

"Fuck off Ryuji! This is my first ever livestream and you ain't gonna ruin it!" Rin yelled at the taller boy who covered his face with his hood. "Nah! Anyways what's up Y'all!" Ryuji yelled keeping his distance from Rin. Rin ignored him as he tried to get the younger boy out of his room.

The comments were going haywire as they freaked out. Ryuji never showed himself on any of his social media accounts so it was a rare opportunity to see what he looked like. "YOU'RE BREAKING THE CHAT RYUJI! LEAVE!!!" Rin yelled as he threw his pencil at him.

"Hey! Don't bully me damn it." Rin just glared at Ryuji. "I'm older than you! I can do whatever I want!" Rin said as he pouted like a small kitten. "You can't use that!" Ryuji yelled as he wrapped his arms around Rin's neck. Rin sighed as he lazily introduced his roommate. "Guys this is my roommate, oh so great famous artist Ryuji Suguro." Rin smiled as he got a lot of surprised comments.


Ryuji chuckled at the comment and later put his hand on Rin's hair. "So what's ya doing? A Q&A?!" Ryuji asked as Rin rolled his eyes. "No shit Sherlock. You guys can ask this annoying rooster questions too."

Ryuji gave Rin an offended look before looking at the questions. "Oh here's one! 'How did you and Rin meet?' Well we actually met online at first because Rin saw my fan art of him on my page. So he contacted me and asked if I can draw some more stuff for him. Um... after that we started talking and we realized we both live in Japan and Rin invited me to live with him. The rest is history."

"This is why you see most of his drawings and animations for my music!" Rin added as he patted Ryuji's head. Rin looked at other question "You mentioned you're older than Ryuji, by how many years? Oh that's easy. I'm older then him by 7-8 months but since I was born in December I'm technically a year older than him."

"Here's other one! How is it like living with each other?" Ryuji read as Rin's eyes lighten up. "Hell. This little fucker is annoying as fuck." Rin laughed as Ryuji hit him softly. "I'm hurt! I though we had something special!"

Rin laughed at the taller boy. "Well you were wrong!" Rin playfully said which led Ryuji to insult him back.

This went on for about 20 minutes when Ryuji leaving Rin to go to the back of the room and play random keys on the keyboard next to him. "RYUJI DON'T TOUCH MY KEYBOARD YOU LITTLE SHIT." Ryuji gave Rin a dirty look before pressing it again. "OH HELL NO! I WONT LET YOU BREAK THIS ONE LIKE YOU DID WITH MY OTHER ONE!"

Ryuji stepped back from the keyboard and decided it was time to leave. "Fine, fine I'll leave." Ryuji went up to Rin again and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"See ya later!" Ryuji smirked as he waved at the camera before walking out of the room to his own. Rin froze as he tried to process what just happened. The chat was getting even more wild (as if that was even possible) as Rin touched his cheek.

He then read some of the comments.

Jungkook-for-life: GAYYYYHYYYYYY.
Musical Trashie: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Weebsaregreat: Dude did the Ryuji Suguro do that?!
Ryuji'sbiggestStan: MY GAY HEART!

Rin just looked at the comments as he slowly gain his composure. ".... Holy shit. Guys to be honest I don't know if I should kill him or not." Rin shook his head and tried to brush that little event aside.

"I have to get payback from him one day.... WAIT HE DIDN'T SAY NO HOMO!!!!!"

Ryuji in the other hand was freaking out about the whole thing. First of all he kinda showed his face to Rin's millions of fans and he kissed his cheek. Ryuji just wanted to dig himself a grave and die. And he was telling this to his two friends Shima and Konekomaru.

A/N: This is a fucking mess. Also those usernames are fake. If these are yours then it was a coincidence. Yes I'll write a sequel to this.

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