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                Nervous as hell he gripped the mike in his hands taking a deep breath he took one step towards the front of the stage. That one step seemed to last forever because in that step he saw his entire past. He watched as His little was shot ducking from the neighborhood gang bangers. He flinched as his mom threw plates at him claiming that he was just like his father who just lived in the clouds. He could feel the disappointment when he told his mom that he wasn’t going to college and that he was dropping out mid-semester of his senior year.

                He relived the betrayal of watching his only best friend steal from him ,but in that entire footstep he felt the pride of hearing his first single on the radio he could feel that big check in his hands and being the man he imagined the look on his moms face when he sent her half of the check. The good was little but it was enough. Sal had waited his entire life for this and now all he had to do was walk out on stage to perform. With one brush of his hand over his natural red hair he slowly took steps to the open stage and performed. No regrets, No Looking back, Just him and the music and that’s how it was suppose to be.

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