Our Saviours

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I really hope you are liking these chapters so far! I'm trying to make the story flow as usual just with an extra character added not a whole change of story

"RON!" The gasp flew out of Harry's mouth before he had even registered that his best friend was outside his window. How? He didn't know yet, but the idea of being able to escape the Dursley's was too good to pass. "Ron, how did you - what the-?" The boys head started to spin at what he was seeing, Ron was leaning out the back window of an old turquoise car, which was parked in mid-air. Grinning at Harry from the front seats were Fred and George.

One of the twins gave him a nod whilst the other leant out of the window towards him. "Alright there Harry?"

Before he could even begin to think of how he was going to reply, Ron cut him off. " what's been going on?" You wouldn't believe it. "Why haven't you been answering my letters? I've asked you to stay about 12 times! And then dad comes home and tells you got a warning for using Magic in front of Muggles..."

"That wasn't me - and how did you know?"

"He works for the Ministry of Magic" said Ron. "You know we're not supposed to use magic outside of school..."

Harry thought that was a little hypocritical. "That's rich coming from you" he gestured to the flying car. He's pretty sure that's magic, since he's never seen any Muggle cars flying up and down the street.

"Oh this doesn't count", of course not. "We're only borrowing this, it's dads. We didn't enchant it either, but magic in front if those Muggles you live with..."

"I told you, I didn't - but it'll take too long to explain now..." and with that Harry began to explain how he and Ellie were trapped quite the Dursley's who were forbidding them from going to Hogwarts this year. And that Harry couldn't use magic to get out due to his warming and Ellie hadn't even begun to use it yet.

Ron, Fred and George all looked at him whilst he ranted until Ron spoke up again. " stop gibbering we've come to take you both with us".

"But you can't do magic out-"

"We don't need to" said Ron smiling. "I've got these two with me" he jerked his hand in the direction of Fred and George who were grinning like mad men in the front seats.

Fred grabbed something from the side of him and there it towards Harry. "Tie that around the bars". It was a thick length of rope.

Harry winced at the thought of the Dursley's waking up from the noise of bars breaking from the bedroom next door. But the current situation was too good to pass to not take a risk, and besides, how often didn't peoples friends care so much to break you out of a homemade prison cell?

"Don't worry about those Muggles" Fred staid, sending the males nervousness as his hands shook. "And stand back".

Harry moved back into the shadows next to Hedwig, who seemed to have realised how important this was and kept still and silent. The car revved louder and louder and suddenly, with a caching sound, the bars were pulled clean out of the window as Fred drove straight up in the air - Harry ran back to the window to see the bars dangling a few feet above the ground. Panting, Ron hoisted them into the car. Harry listened anxiously, but there was no sound from the Dursley's bedroom.

With the bars safely in the back seat with Ron, Fred reversed as close as he could to the window. "Get in".

"I can't. Ellie, and all my Hogwarts stuff.... my wand... my broomstick..."

"Where's Ellie?"

Harry almost felt ashamed when he told them where she would be. I mean, he now had a bedroom to stay in and she was still living in the kitchen pantry on a pull out - what a great big brother her looked like. But from the looks on their faces, he could tell they knew the truth of the matter.

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