Chapter 6

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Y/n's  pov

I got tired of running so I just walked I didn't know what to do at this point..I didn't really want to talk to anybody..
But when I was walking I ran into Her
''Well well well if it isn't Mrs.Betral''she said laughing''You know I didn't do any of those things!''I yelled at her I was filled with anger ''Heh well that's to bad your the new girl here u think that they will believe you!''She said''Why did say all those things about me huh why?!''I asked her still angry''Why do u really wanna know why''she said to me filled with anger to''yea I wanna know why SunStrider why did u do that''I told her with my hands in the air(like u just don't care me? Ok never mind them back to the story)''U know that me and Drift used to date and,well I never got over him then u came along!i had to get rid of you some how so I told a lie about you''she told me I was shocked of the words I was hearing boy if Mr.Wick was here he would be angry..''But you Y/n...I really really would love to have you around but,I know you are gonna get in the way.So I think it's best I get rid of u PERMENTlY...''she said pulling out a gun...

Drifts Pov

''She ran this way Mr.Wick!''I told him Mr.Wick,Raptor,And me ran the way Y/n went to find SunStrider holding a gun to her head''NO STOP''I yelled at her SunStrider looked at me with fear''D-Drift hehe what are you doing here?''she said acting like nothing is wrong''I should ask you the same question''I told her ''Well she was painting another bulids get again''She said to us I was shocked''Is that true
Y/n?''I asked her hurt''No it's not I don't even have any paint!''She yelled''that's cause you threw it away''SunStrider said smiling''Look I will give you another chance Y/n tell us the truth did u or did u not spray paint the bulidings''I asked her once again''I DIDNT''She yelled but then out of no where another voice said''She didn't I was here the whole time''Said unknown...''who are you show your self?!'' I yelled then what I least expected it to be was.....


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