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"George? are you home?"
Alex yells out into their shared apartment. He looks around the house yelling the boys name repeatedly.
"Guess not.."
Alex walks into the kitchen to grab a cup, filling it with water. As the boy takes a big gulp of the cold liquid, he gags on the water and spits it out in disgust. he dumps the rest of it in the sink and tosses the cup in. He stomps to his room but stops when he notices george's door is open a bit. he peers up to the door slowly and pushes it open, making sure no ones in there, as he makes his way into the dark room a light from the bathroom catches his eye.
"Must be on the toilet .."
He tiptoes to the bathroom door and lightly knock on the white door.
"..George? you in there buddy?"
When he doesn't get a response he starts to worry, wondering if his friend is safe
"George, if you're in there, I'm coming in"
he pushes the door open to see nothing but a bath full of soapy water. Alex begins to panic a bit more now that he has no idea where George is. He pulls his phone out his pocket to call George but gets left on voicemail. Alex closes the toilet lid and sits down, calming his breathing, something he learned from his therapist.
A few seconds pass and Alex's phone lights up, he quickly grabs his phone and unlocks it
hey mate, sorry I couldn't answer, Will and I were filming a vid.
i should be back in about an hour or so.
Alex reads the text and sighs in relief. He sits on the toilet looking at nothing until his throat starts getting scratchy and dry. He looks to his left and sees the bathtub full of the soapy liquid and wonders if it's a good idea to drink his roommates used bath water. He ponders for a minute and thinks 'what the hell, yolo'.
he kneels down to the bath and cups his hands, gathering the cool bath water. He slowly brings the liquid up to his lips and drinks it. He doesn't think twice before he grabs more and more handfuls of the dirty water and gulp it down, only to stop when he gets a stomach ache from drinking too fast. His back against the cool ceramic of the tub, head replaying the event that just took place.
He drank his roommates bath water..and liked it?
He gets up from his spot and shuts off the light, making his way out of George's room.

A/N: i wrote this at 4am and i hate it. i'm sorry lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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