Special Chapter

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Because you deserve to see what happens in their lives after all that angst and mystery 😂😂


Yoongi's POV

"Are you done yet?" There were loud knocks on my bedroom door. My girlfriend, Eunso, sure was impatient.

"Just 5 more minutes please." I groaned, burying my head in my Kumamon pillow, which I grew fond of recently despite my age.

The door flew open that revealed a pissed off girl. "YOONGI, GET UP THIS INSTANT."

I opened one eye and peeked at her beautiful furious face, "Don't want to."

Like she usually does, she pinched the flabs on my stomach and I chuckled, "Yeah yeah, I'm up."

She grumbled, leaving my bedroom so I could get ready and change.

This was going to be our first date after I got discharged from the hospital.


It was predictable but I told her we would like to do things we did when I dreamt of us. "Let's get ice cream first." I told her, holding her hand in mine.

"But I thought you don't like sweet things?" She asked.

"Hey, who rejects a good cone of ice cream?" I directed her to her favorite ice cream parlor near the high school we attended to seven years ago.

I still couldn't believe I was already an adult. It all felt like yesterday when I was just waking up at 6 AM to prepare and then here I was, my dream coming true as a music producer.

"You're zoning out again." Eunso pouted, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I apologized, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, "Sorry this is all still new to me." Her eyes softened at what I said and grinned.

"It's fine. Just don't drown yourself again or I'll smack your head really hard." She pointed her finger at me as we arrived at the parlor to order our ice cream.

Like in my dream, she ordered strawberry while I had cookies and cream.

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