its okay...gray-kun

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~~~~~~It was morning already~~~~


huh?..who is it? said the princess.

um its me..g-gray..

what are you doing here?..

your I mean the King told me to wake you up..

fine.!come in its open!..

um okay..

I opened the door immediately.. I was a bit nervous...

I know that she just woke but she looked so cheeks were turning red..

huh?.. something wrong  gray-kun?

my face turned redder..g-gray-kun?

I looked away blushing...w-well umm is it okay to call you that?..

*cough* y-yeah I'm fine with that..

anyway sorry about last night..

huh? what do you mean?...

you know the whole stripping accident...

*blush * oh that... its okay..anyway you call me rose..

*blush* really!?... thanks r-rose....

yo ice brain!! yelled natsu..

darn you flame head!! your ruining the moment!!

*blush* m-moment? said  rose

A complete silence took over the room..

u-uh I

um gray have you told her already..?

oh yeah I almost forgot...the king said you have to stay in magnolia in a year...

a-a year..?

her smile turned to a frown..

its for your own good...

but....what about dad..? I won't go anywhere until I know he'll be safe!!

to be contined ..

the princess and the fairy (gray fullbuster love story)Where stories live. Discover now