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Alexa P.o.v
I woke up in the morning well last night was went well except the part of brock and all that he was pretty scary
I clean all thoughts and went into the bathroom take a warm shower went out got dressed
Well today was holiday day for us which we get very often I was happy i make my coffee and i went to paige room because nia was out of a little injury but paige is also my friend and i want a girl talk then i knock on the door and she came to open but she wasn't alone
Hey alexa she said breathlessly
Hey did I distrub something I ask
Well yeah you did she said
Is it kevin I said laughing
Well you know so why can't you find anybody else she said
Ok man came dude sorry I distrub I said again laughing
You better go before I drag you to your room she coming after me but i ran
I was running until I collied with someone we both are on the ground
After he helped me up i saw Dean
Hey u okay lexi he said rubbing his forehead
Yeah sorry I didn't see you i said
Yeah you can't because you were running like a flash he said jokily
I smiked
Hey alexa wanna talk about last night I was drunk I didn't mean anything I said he said
It's alright by the way you didn't say anything mean or stupid I said confused
I didn't he said
Yeah i say
O then seth is dead he said
What did he say I ask laughing
He said that i said harsh words I do seductive things he said
Why are u laughing by the way he said
Nothing at you i said
Why he said
You can be fooled anytime I said
Is that it he said nodding
Yeah i say
I was not fooled u know I was checking on you he said protecting himself
Oh yeah I said
He and I started laughing
Hey bliss you want desert i was going with seth and roman so if and if you wanna join he said
Yeah sure I say
Moments later
Dean and i sit one one side and seth and roman sit on the other side i was returning
I saw they were eating their and my was paced on my side i saw seth nodded at me to shove desert on dean face
I mouthed calm down we will
Hey dean I say
Yeah he said
Can i taste your desert i ask
Sure he said
I taste his desert and placed my in front of his face he went to taste but i shoved desert in his face with that Seth and Roman do the same
Dean was shocked
We all were laughing
You got pranked pal Seth said
So this all was a prank we are here
You guys are dead i have no friends
He said wipping desert from his face
Seth and Roman went to his side licking desert his face i click a selfie of them posted it on instagram
With friends

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