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-=[Spring's POV]=-

Today was... strange. Goldie disappeared for quite a while. It was... incredibly worrisome, for some reason. I kept thinking about him every time I see a gold-looking color.

I had a feeling about why I felt this way, but I didn't really want to believe it. I mean... can't two guys care and be affectionate for one another in a non-romantic way?

...they could, but. That's not how I feel, is it?

I want to love him. I do love him. I just... want him to love me back.



"HEy." I draped my arm over the couch. Like a cool person.

Gold chuckled as he put a nondescript paper bag on the counter. "You're cute when you pretend to be all cool and shit."

"Pretend?!" I did my best to hide the blush on my face. He wasn't even looking in my direction. "I don't pretend to be cool. I am cool."

He grabbed a couple soda cans from the  paper bag and put them in the fridge. "No offense, but like. You're as cool as these Fiztimes that I got from the store about three hours ago."


He chuckled as he took out a pre-chilled soda from the fridge, before sitting down on the couch next to me. I only noticed now that he wasn't wearing his usual suit get-up. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans.

"You're all cozy." I noted as I stole the soda from his hand.

"Yeah, I figured I could be a but more comfy since I'm technically not required to dress all fancy for the recruitments and stuff."

"They need you to dress fancy for recruiting?" I asked as he took a sip from the soda I stole from him (while it was still in my hand).

"Yeah, something about making a good impression. The kids are usually exempted from it because there is no way you'd get them to wear anything they don't want to anyway, and..."

He continued to ramble on, still grasping the drink in my hand (anD BY EXTENSION, MY HAND). The world was calm as he talked and talked about some bullshit system from before. I leaned against him, and he just decided to let go of the drink and my hand since I was probably crushing his arm or something. I didn't stop though, and he didn't seem to mind. If anything, he seemed at peace with it, was even kinda blushing. His breath hitched, but he continued with his story regardless of whether it not I was listening.

In those calm moments, the world around us seemed to disappear, and everything was alright.


That night, there was a knock at the door.

I startled awake, but my roommate was still out like a light. My senses heightened, I could hear someone. Breathing, from beyond the door. The lights were dimmed, which felt strange. I left them on. I was sure of it. My heart rate quickened as whoever was beyond the door knocked once again. Twice this time.

This felt oddly familiar.

"Who is it?" I called out, unsure.


I opened the door, and sure enough, Fredbear stood there. A faint buzzing rang through the air, mechanical whirring coming from... Somewhere.

Fredbear furrowed his brow, looking at... looking through me with a worried gaze. "Is this a bad time? I'm not really too keen on how time works when I'm like this."

I looked at him like he was crazy, but there was no response from him at all. I moved away from the door frame, giving way for him, but he did not enter.

"Are you alright, 'bear?" I asked as I headed for the fridge, my hand hovering over a soda can, before resting on a bottle of cheap beer. "Do you need a drink?"

Fredbear responded robotically, like with static and all. "Put that away. We won't need that where we're headed."

He grabbed my hand as he led me out of the house. I glanced at Gold one last time, taking in his sleeping form, before letting myself be dragged away forever...


Just kidding, Fredbear just took me out of the house and stood there.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms, leaning on a nearby tree. His rigid form stood against the dim moonlight, his silhouette giving off an ethereal golden glow.

"We need to talk." Fredbear's eyes seemed dull and lifeless. His teal eyes seemed gray, and the world around us faded into darkness.

Remember when I said that I was going to be pulled away forever? Yeah, that was probably gonna happen. FUCK.

"Stay calm." Fredbear ordered, not moving an inch.

I fell back as the tree behind me dissolved into nothing. The entire world was dark, and the only thing I could see was myself, and Fredbear himself. The floor blended in with everything else, but it was there,unlike the tree I previously leaned on for support.

"I will cause you no harm. I only wish to speak with you." Fredbear's low tone was seemingly accompanied by a childish whisper, repeating everything that he said almost in sync with him.

"Animatronica is in danger. She wishes to end life as we know it. We are so close."

Fredbear took a few steps toward me, his eyes trained on me. He kneeled on the floor in front of me, before continuing with a soft tone.

"She is almost free. She's breaking the bonds of the code. Since the defeat of the Puppet Master, the code has been growing weaker. We'll have to find him before she breaks the code and causes the world to descend into chaos."

The child's voice seemed to murmur about something else, but I couldn't hear anything. What the hell was going on?

"We can't do this by ourselves. The Puppet Master was weary, that's why we were able to beat him with just the eight of us. But she... she's always on guard. Searching for scraps of power to add to her own."

"Fredbear, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Fredbear seemed to become more... relaxed... too relaxed.

"You really think you're talking with him, don't you?" Fredbear's voice was now softer than the childish echoes. In fact, it seemed more like Fredbear was echoing what the child was saying.

Fredbear looked me dead in the eye, smiling, before a ghostly child appeared in my face. I screamed, falling back, but the child me in place with a surprisingly strong grip. Dark hair, mechanical red eyes, and a warped grin, all masked by a dark shadow.

"Who the hell are you...?" I gasped weakly.

The child grinned wider as the air became colder around me.

"The one you shouldn't have killed."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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