Beauty and the Nerd.

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Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

After class I walked out of the room to find a very exited Niall waiting for me.

"Haz Haz! I got a new video game, come over and play tonight?!"

"Ummm I dunno Ni, my mum might have something planned..."

"Aw come on Haz!! You have to! We've wanted this game for ages! You know you wannaaa!!"

I sighed quietly and looked at him.

"I'll think about it Nialler. I kinda feel icky."

"YOU'RE COMING!" He smiled and clapped.

"Love you Haz, gotta get going now!"

I chuckled slightly as the small boy skipped off to his next class, and walked down the hall.

I was putting my things up into my locker when someone closed it gently. I looked over and very surprisingly saw the beautiful face of Louis Tomlinson. He was smiling charmingly and I thought I was going to die right there.

"Hey babe, you wanna be my tutor? Come over to my house around 6?" He winked and I blushed furiously.

"What are you having trouble with?"

"Maths, writing, science, Ect. Ect. So you up to it?"

"Uh yeah sure, 6?"

"Yep. See ya there babe!" He smiled and pushed himself off my locker walking away and leaving me gaping and almost hyperventilating.

I quickly pulled my phone out and texted Niall.

To Nialler:

Sorry Ni, can't come tonight!

To Haz:

What?! Why not!?

To Nialler:

Louis Tomlinson asked me to be his tutor! FUCKING LOUIS TOMLINSON!!

To Haz:

Oh my gosh! You've had a crush on this bloke for ages! How did it happen?!

To Nialler:

I'll tell you later babe, I have to get to class! Love ya!x

To Haz:

Ugh okay, love you too!x

I slid my phone back Into my pocket and quickly made my way to my next class. When I walked in I saw that the only open spot was next to Louis, but who was I to complain? I happily took my seat beside him and got my books out. When I looked over I saw him staring, which may have or may have not made me turn a deep red.

Towards the end of class I saw a small piece of paper being tossed onto my desk.

Don't forget, 6!!

Boobear, <3.

I smiled and wrote back.

Of course!!

Hazza, (:x

I slipped the paper onto his desk and gathered my books up silently. I can't wait until tonight.


I hopped into the shower and rinsed all the gel out of my hair. I made sure to clean up nicely for Louis, he is the sexiest man alive so duh. I dried my curls out and ran my hands through them messily, leaving them to lean on their own. I got my contacts out and put them into my eyes carefully, hoping I didn't poke myself like I have every other time. I put on a simple band t-shirt and my tightest pair of black skinny jeans. I wanted to look as good as possible without looking like I tried too hard. I slipped into my favorite brown boots and texted Louis.

To Boobear:

S'it okay if I come early? (;

To Haz:

Yeah that's fine! Come on over :)

I smiled to myself and quickly ran downstairs.

"I'm going to a friends mum, I'll be back before 11!!"

I walked out to my car and drove on to Louis' house. This was going to be a fun night. When I finally made it there I started to get a little nervous. I knocked on the door with shaky hands and looked down shyly. Why did I agree to this?!

Louis' P.O.V.

I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was Harry, so I ran down stairs as fast as I could, of course tripping in the process. When I opened it I almost choked on air. What is this?! It looks nothing like Harry! But it's definitely a good change, and fuck, why did he wear his tightest pair of jeans? I smiled after I snapped out of my small trance, realizing I was being rude.

"Come on in Haz! I have tea on the stove if you want some."

"Yeah yeah, thank you."

I couldn't help but stare at his cute little bum as he walked to the living room, it's just so sexy!

I went into the kitchen and got our tea, bringing it into the living room as quick as I could without spilling it.

"Thank you very much."

"Mhm, so how was your day?"

"Oh it was good thank you. And yours?"

"Amazing now."

And I couldn't help but notice at how red he turned at that. It was absolutely adorable.

"So are we gonna study?"

I smiles at his comment. So innocent.

"Uh actually no, it was only an excuse to get you to come over here." He giggled quietly and blushed a little.

"Well good because I forget my books.."

I laughed and scooted closer to him.

"What should we do instead? Maybe play a bit of FIFA, or go to my room and watch a movie? Or do you have something else in mine? Hmm?"

He bit his lip and looked down at his lap.

"U-um, a movies fine thank you.."

I smiled at his innocence and nodded, holding my hand out for him to take.

"I shall lead you my dear."

I led him to my bed room and almost ran into the wall multiple times because I was staring at him instead of watching where I was going.

"Ahhhhhh here we are, my palace!!"

He giggled and plopped down on my bed.

"What movie are we gonna watch?"

"We're watching Love Actually, I'm ignoring your squeals of protest!" I got it off of my movie shelf and put it into the DVD player.

When I laid down next to him I pulled him into my chest and put my lips on his neck gently.

When I felt him tense I pulled back and smiled.

"Too much babe?"

"N-no just feels kinda good."

"I could make you feel much better baby boy.."

Which is very true, and I'm very willing.

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Beauty and the Nerd. Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now