Chapter3: First day at my new secondary school

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The summer holidays were already finished and it was the Jour-J ( D-day) . I was so happy because finally I was becoming a big girl.

During the summer, the school gave us a list of schoil equipments to buy for the entire school year.

'Luna are you ready, we have to leave or you are going to be late!' yelled my Mum.

The fact that I was so excited, I did sleep most of the night!!!

8:40 am at College Bildstein

' Have a nice sweetie and I'll pick you up at the end of school.' said my Mum while watching other students walking by.

'Ok Mum see ya!!' I said while I was looking at the grandeur of the building.

In tutor class:

'Good morning everyone, welcome to College Bildstein. I will be your tutor until the end of the year so if you need anything dont hesitate to ask.' explained Mr Fuentes . He also said that he will be our geography teacher.

After receiving our timetables, the bell ringed and we had to go to the next class.

At the end of school

We finished school at 16:45 and that would be everyday !!!! Oh well hopefully it will worth it.

Reaching home was joy for me because I was exhausted.

However, I was exciting do go school again tomorrow.

2 months later

I adapted to the secondary school environment, I even made a lot of friends.

And guess what ? In my class there is that nerd named Adrien , no offence because am a nerd myself, is trying to compete with to become the best of the class. Well , I was then happy to have some challenge. Bring it on boy!!!

School was going well, however to you ever ask yourself if your life would be like a happy story without any bad news?


Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

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