1. Happenstance

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The twinkling lights of the tall building in Victoria make such a beautiful view of the city of London. it was a sign of life and movement a constant cacophony of traffic and people bustling around the street, but for Clayton up in his utilitarian tower it seemed so insignificant. so quite up here he thought to himself. all this silence in his cabin made him think of memories. ''mmmmhhhhhmmm..... memories ? arent memories supposed to make on feel of warm inside'' he mused aloud. i best get outta here before the darkness gets to me i..... trrrrriiinnngggggg. ''what now''. His secretary rang him up. '' Mr. Wellington is there anything that you will be needing this evening before i take my leave for the day'' her super sweet efficient voice purred. now this got on his nerves make him take his mind off things for a bit. whyd the hell i hired her he asked himself. oh yes his HR taught her looks would be able to surpass her clumsiness and her stupid horn rimmed glasses. why don't I just fire her....'' no that'd be all miss parker'' ''well..'' beep. I hung up before I could hear any of her chatter. take that miss-what-would-you-like. I get up from my winged black leather chair and stretch my neck from side to side and walk towards my coat holder and shrug my suit jacket check the inner lining of pocket for my car keys and take a last look at my cold and dreary looking office and stride toward the exit. well, lets call this a day already. as i exit my office am greeting by this eerie silence all over again. great. just great. I hate this I feeling of emptiness that tightens my chest I have to get out of here. walking briskly towards the elevator I punch the button for the elevator to arrive which it does with a ding and I make a smooth entrance punch the button for the parking basement and feel the smooth descent of this human-made contraption. I impatiently tap my feet on check my reflection on the all-glass interior. I finally reach the underground parking lot spot my black Saab flick the fob put my ass on the driver's seat and kick start my car into a reverse and drive outta the parking space. well, this sure as hell calms me down which is why I do not ever require to be chauffeured around unlike those other pansies associates that I meet on a regular basis. the dreary London weather has made it even worse with the rain. welcome to London constant rain and zero sunshine makes me wanna move to Spain instead of this place but then I am unable to. the why? well, let's not get there. as I reach the exit of the ramp and find myself waiting in line to cut into the heavy evening traffic I find myself impatiently tapping my fingers on the steering wheel waiting for the traffic to fess up and move on. tap-tap-tap. ''what the fuck'' I mutter to myself. I spot miss parker staring at me through my window drenched like drowned puppy her waist length jet black hair is plastered to the hair, her mascara is running. it is raining this bad outside I muse to myself while I lower the window. ''Ummm Mr. Wellington I'm so fortunate to have spotted you. you see there has been an issue with the bus that I take due to it being on diversion.....''. she rambles on while I zone out coz I can't take my eyes off her radiant blue eyes staring into mine I hope my jaw hasn't dropped open like an adolescent syping a pretty woman for the very first time. she stops talking which drags my attention to the present. what was she saying? she looks at me questioningly as I'm loco with one eyebrow raised in question. get a grip on yourself clay. '' apologies i didnt catch that what did you say''. '' i said can you offer me a ride to the nearest station''. 

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