Chapter 1

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Shifu's POV: 

    It seemed like a normal day. Everything was calm and quiet, which for me is surprising since the panda would always interrupt it.  I am meditating in the Great Hall of Heroes and I feel at peace. 

    All of the sudden flashes of red and people running in panic and fear show in my mind. I see what they are running from, and hooded figure stood far in the background, the figure lowered it's hood and revealed a panther with scars on his face surrounded with gorillas and leopards. He started walking toward the stampede of panicking animals and then the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior came and faced him.   

   The Furious Five and Dragon Warrior tried to fight him but in the end he won. How? How can this be stopped. If the five and the panda can't stop this evil who can? 

    I snapped out of the vision. There is a great evil coming. An evil which I am not sure anyone can defeat. How will anyone survive this? There has to be a way to defeat this evil. 

   I think, and think, and think. I can't think of anything. I look at the image of the panther in my head. I try to spot any type of weakness to show what can be used against him to defeat him. But I didn't see anything. Tai Lung's weakness was his greed, Shens' weakness was his anger and thirst for power, and Kai's weakness was his anger toward Oogway betraying him.  But his panther, I didn't see anything.


"Master Oogway, How? How do we stop this new threat?" I look up a the sky and ask.

"You don't." 

   I turned around surprised. I see Master Oogway.

"Master Oogway? What do you mean we don't?" I ask him. 

"I mean YOU or the rest of your students can't defeat this new threat." he replied.

"Then who?" I ask.

"You must look back in your past. Only then you will see you know who can actually defeat him." he said and the disappeared.

    What did he mean by that? Look into my past? The only one I remember from my past is.... Wait. Him. He is he only one that can defeat this panther.

   Where is he though? It has been so long since I last saw him. He was seven when he ran away. the only thing he left behind a note. 

   The note! I need to find the note. 

   I rush to my sleeping quarters and start digging through my things til I finally find it. 

   "Master Shifu and Master Oogway,

      Tai Lung's betrayal left me feeling broke. I'm sure it did with you as well, but that is not the only reason I am leaving. Tai was the only thing here that actually showed some compassion towards me. Well except you Master Oogway, but still. I may be only seven years old, but I am leaving the Jade Palace for I can't stand the memories I have there with Tai. My brother. So I leave you with this note. One day we will meet once more but til that day I will be between cold and warm, snow and water. 


    Tao Khan"

   Between cold and warm, snow and water? What did he mean by that? 

   Even at such a young age he was a wise animal. Oogway even took some of his advice and used it to inspire others.

   Tao needs to be found. It is time he comes home. I would go myself but I have a feeling I'll be more needed here. Who should I send to find him? Po? NO! Definitely not him Tao would probably kill him from annoyance. Tigress? Yea, out of all she was a little like Tao. Trained harder tan anyone else, didn't take to annoyance to well. He would probably take a more liking to her that the rest. But I'm not gonna let her go on her own, so who else should go.....

   Viper? Good at getting through tough places, but more likely to miss something with how low to the ground she is so no. 

   Monkey? Good and climbing trees which makes for more ground to be seen, but that may take a lot more time out and we may not have that amount of time, so no.

   Crane? Now there it is. Since he can fly it would be much easier to cover ground and it wouldn't take as long as it would if Monkey went. 

   So now I have to go tell them.

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