Chapter 14

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About 2 weeks later Jake told me that Bella and Edward were back and something was going on. So to save time and hurry to check on Bella he shifted into his wolf and I got on his back and held on while he ran to the Cullen's. As soon as we got there Carlisle was at the door and let us in,we started searching for Bella and saw her laying on a couch with all the Cullen's around,but what I thought was strange was that Rosalie who disliked Bella from the start looked like she was protecting her. Bella told her it was okay and she moved and we saw that Bella was pregnant and looked farther along than she should be. As soon as Jake saw he went straight to Edward but Bella made him stop ,and also Emmett was getting ready to fight if needed and I was in shock. 

Jasper tried to use his power on me which I was actually thankful for this time. Carlisle explained that they didn't know it was possible and that they knew little about it but it was growing rapidly. They also said that because it is part vampire and Bella was a human that it could and most likely would kill her. When he said that I saw Edward's pained face and felt bad for him, and saw him send me a small smile letting me know he heard my thought. Jake was pissed though and told them to take it out of her ,and I saw their faces and and could tell that Edward and some of the Cullen's tried to talk her out of having the baby. I knew my sister and knew that no matter what anyone said she was having her baby especially since it was apart of Edward. Even though i'm still not sure about the Cullen's after everything and also not exactly thrilled that my niece or nephew would be part vampire, It still my family and I would do anything to protect my sister and her unborn child.

When Jake got too mad and was getting close to shift I told him to go outside and I followed him and tried to calm him down like when we were kids and it worked a little. Then we went to Sam's to inform the pack about was going on. After we explained the chaos started and I don't know if I had ever seen them this mad before.When I heard Sam tell them they had to kill Bella before she gives birth to the abomination, because it was unknown what happen with it being part vampire part human,Jake and I shoot up and said that they couldn't she was still human and they protect humans.I could tell they all felt bad for me because she is my sister especially Emily,Leah,Seth,and Paul.

Jake and I knew that they weren't going to compromise Jake had stood and challenged Sam.Which everyone was shocked at since Sam is alpha and what he says goes,but I knew Jake turned down the role but still had it in him. When Jake finally stood up to Sam enough that broke the pack bond he ran and I knew exactly were he was going. When I finally reached him he told me what was going to happen next.

The next day we went back to the Cullen's and told them what the wolves are planning, and that we were on their side and were going to protect Bella, even though Jake was still not happy about Bella's decision. As Jake was patroling the Cullen's house from the pack I saw Seth and Leah's wolves. I went outside and and they told Jake and I that they left Sam's pack and want to join Jake's. I knew how hard it was for Leah to be a part of Sam's pack and see him and Emily together but also knew how much she hated the Cullen's and Bella. Jake told them to go back to Sam and I told him to listen and gave him the face I make when i'm serious.I knew he felt bad for Leah too and knew that Leah would go wherever Seth went so he let them stay.

The next day I went to La Push beach and asked Paul to meet me there and when we saw each other I started to cry. I told him that it was over because he's part of the pack who is trying to kill my sister. Also he hasn't tried talking to me about how I felt with all of it. I knew he felt bad when they first started talking about it but hasn't reached out. He told me that we couldn't break up because of the imprint bond. I knew it would be tough not seeing my imprint, but I would deal with the pain because I couldn't be with him because of what he's doing. He just looked at me for a second and I saw hurt and anger on his face, which was because I was choosing vampires over him. Then he stormed off and I sat there and cried until Jake showed up and took me home.He tried to cheer me up and said that he would take care of Paul which I laughed at him and his protective big brother ways, but shook my head and told him to let it go and that it wasn't worth it.

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