Ch. 1: New Beginnings

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Sam woke up in a strange, pink room that had weird tropical paintings all over it and a big mirror across from the bed he was laying in.

What the fuck.

Did he somehow sleep with some rich person or something because he's never been in a room so big before. This room was almost the size of his kitchen back home. Probably bigger, if he was being honest.

Confused, Sam glanced down to make sure he was still clothed and sighed in relief when he saw he was in grey sweats and a faded red Adidas shirt. Okay. So he must've fallen asleep at a party and this was the aftermath. But where was Colby? The younger usually accompanied him to their Vine parties in Kansas...

Sam got out of bed and took another look around the room. It was a nice room and now that he looked at it it looked like it belonged to a boy. But what kind of boy would have a pink room? Whatever. It was 2014, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted without getting judged these days. But still. Sam personally wasn't a fan of the color himself. He wouldn't get caught dead anywhere near the color, already victim of being called a twink or pretty boy just walking down the streets in normal, dark clothes.

He decided to snoop around the room, because why not? Nobody was there to stop him.

Sam wandered over to the desk where a nice MacBook lay open with two monitors, a game pad, one of those fancy rainbow gaming keyboards, an led green mouse, and a nice looking PC sat under the desk. This guy new his stuff, that's for sure. It looked like he edited videos or pictures or something for a living, Sam assumed as he looked through the guys things. There was a fancy Canon camera sitting on the top shelf of the desk, which he immediately grabbed to explore, not caring that it could've been someone's personal photos.

Sam dabbled in editing videos with Colby on YouTube before but Vine was easier and less of an effort. Video editing took way too long in his opinion and he didn't have time for that. He and Colby just wanted to get Vine famous so they could move to LA and collaborate with other Viners and get rich doing it. Like Jake and Logan Paul. That would be so cool to be like them!


Anyways, Sam started clicking through the files on the very expensive camera, scrolling through pictures of random locations and people until he froze when he saw a picture of Colby on it. What. But...Colby looked... different. Like he was taller, bigger...older. But that was impossible. Colby was the same size as he was, maybe a little taller...this Colby had a good 6-8 inches on him and was definitely bigger built than how lanky, skinny, and short, Sam was.

That was impossible though. Not unless Colby had another brother Sam didn't know about.

Sam clicked through a few more pictures and got even more confused when he saw himself...but not himself...with a two other guys and their old friend Jake Webber from high school and a pretty black haired girl with a curvy figure and big hoop earrings who was hugging...him.

What the fuck was going on?! That was not him! That guy in the picture looked taller, more muscled, and his hair was shorter and thinner than his was undoubtedly him. But who were those people? And where was Colby? They were always together. This didn't make any sense. Sam instantly began panicking and slapped himself. He was definitely dreaming. This wasn't real. He was going to wake up in Kansas with Colby next to him discussing Vine ideas. Yeah.

And then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Sam? Jake wants to film another skit, you wanna join?" An unfamiliar voice said through the door, but Sam was too busy panicking to answer. He immediately pulled out his busted, old iPhone 5s and called Colby, not sure what else to do.

But what was weird, was that he could hear a phone ring next to whatever room was next to his. Except it wasn't Colby's ringtone, it sounded like a weird, newer version of Mamba... what the heck was going on?!?

"Sam...? What's up? You're right next door to me you know you can just knock, right?" A deep voice answered, chuckling awkwardly, that sounded a lot like Colby and Sam screamed, chucking his phone across the room and began pacing, breathing heavily and ripping at his hair frantically. This was just a fucked up prank. Everything was okay. He was going to wake up soon...

Suddenly, his door swung open, revealing a tall boy with messy sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, a round face, and he was wearing Nike track pants and a red T-shirt. He looked worried and concerned for Sam, which made Sam even panic more because he didn't like it when people worried about him

There were more footsteps from across the hall and suddenly another figure appeared behind the stranger.. Sam's wide eyes drifted behind the blonde boy, to see a panicked...not-Colby .

And then Sam blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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