Chapter One

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"Aideen! Get your lazy ass up! You're gonna make us late!" Josh hollered as he ripped the covers off Aideen's pale white, petite body. Aideen's long fire red hair laying in a tangled mess all around her. She pulls her legs up to her chest as away to shield herself from the cold.

Josh chuckles quietly to himself as he walks to her door, "Nice pink panties by the way, maybe I could borrow them sometime." He jokes as he quickly shuts the door behind him before the sandal I threw could hit him. As the sandal made contact with the door, Josh's laughter could be heard from the hall.

Still laying in bed, I bury my face into my pillow thinking back to when Josh used to wake me up back in high school. Raymond or what Josh and I like to call him, Remy, was the first in our little group of three to get a car, do to his dad being a millionaire and giving Remy anything and everything he wants in life. After many crucial hours of begging, bribing and negotiating Remy finally agreed to pick Josh and I up in the mornings before heading to school and then dropping us off at home afterwards. Trust me when I say that there were times when I regretted making that deal with him. Like the time when he was dating Ashley. Ashley was your typical blonde hair, blue eyes, stick up her ass, cheerleading, marbles for a brain, queen bee at our school. Remy mainly stayed with her, because of her obvious fake, watermelon sized tits. One day on the last week of school, Josh snuck into my room. He placed one of my tall speakers next to my bed, turned it up to maximum volume and blasted the song If I Had You by Adam Lambert. I had jumped out of bed to see Josh dancing around, singing with the song. Josh is one of those gay best friends that every person should have.

Stretching out my legs a soft sigh escapes from my lips. Josh and I got scholarships to a university here in Pairs, Maine. Not really knowing where else to go, Remy decided to tag along with his dad paying for the whole thing. Remy's dad is even paying for the apartment that we're currently staying in. With only being about fifteen minutes away from the college and six hours from home, we're free to do whatever we want with all the freedom in the world. Today the three of us are actually heading back home to Queens, New York to visit with the family for winter break. More than less likely Remy will end up staying at Josh's house and then they'll both be at my place by Christmas. Then when New Years hits we'll be in time square just like we are every year.

Hearing the sound of footsteps growing louder I open my eyes just as I see Raymond's tall, well built figure walk into my room. His golden brown skin, chestnut brown hair and deep melted chocolate brown eyes; it was no wonder why the female, and some of the male, population fell to his feet in lust.

You would think that threw all this time that I've known him that I would be immune to his demanding presence, yet I sit here in a temporary daze. Slowly Remy walks closer to me, a soft smile playing on his full lips before it turns into a smirk. It was then that I realized too late, that he was hold a bucket of snow in his hands for which he dumps on top of me. Jumping out of bed and screaming out of shock from the sudden cold sensation that is now traveling through my body. "Remy!" I yells as I angrily slap his arm.

Remy continues to laugh, when I starts to hear another laugh join in with his. Looking behind Remy, standing in my doorway is Josh with his favorite bright pink bunny slippers in one hand, the other clutching onto the doorway in an attempt the keep him upright. Tears start to slip down his face from the amount of laughter, causing my own tears to form from embarrassment. I attempt to save what dignity she has left, she grabs the closest piece of clothing to her and runs to the bathroom, locking herself inside.

It wasn't long after I had slipped on my jeans from last night and my favorite black hoodie when there is a knock on the door. "Hey, you okay in there?" Even though his voice is muffled by the door between them their is no mistaking that it was Remy on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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