Ch5: Team Death March

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Satou was just a game programmer, until one day he went to sleep at work and woke up in a Video Game like world. Since then he's met a slew of pretty girls including. A lizard demi human, A little dog demi human and cat demi human, Another Japanese human like himself who was reincarnated into this world long before he did, a girl who was the descendant of another Japanese Human, a Homunculus, an elf, a warrior girl and many other colorful characters. They went on many adventures as Satou seemed to settle in this world. Satou and the gang were having lunch out on a plain When a letter popped up in Satou's inventory. "Hmm? Hey Arisa." He whispered "Have you ever gotten a random letter in your inventory before?" "No i can't say that i have. And as far as i know, we reincarnated humans dont have like a direct message system or anything of the sort. Well read it, see what it says. Maybe its a clue to a new quest." Satou read the letter. "Dear, travelling hero. I have a special quest for you should you choose to accept. You have been invited to a special tournament, fighting against opponents the likes of which you've never seen or faced.  Not for the faint Choose your teammates wisely. There will be a portal awaiting you where you first entered this world." He told Arisa the contents of the letter. "Well what are you gonna do?" "I guess it wouldn't hurt. and it would everyone who doesn't comes a break from adventures. Plus it'll finally give Zena a chance to join us for a special adventure. Hey everyone Listen up. We're heading back to Seryuu to rest up for a few days." Yaayy now we can have Martha-San's cooking again Nanodesu." Pochi cheered. Everyone joined in the cheering. They made their way back to Seryuu where they checked into Martha's inn. They had got there just in time for lunch. Martha made "Kreatopita Argostoli". At first it looked like just a baked Phyllo pastry, but once cut into, a copious amount of Lamb, potatoes and rice spilled out. As you bit into the not to roughly textured lamb, you mouth was attacked by a spicy flavoring, that made your mouth and eyes water. After the heat however a surprisingly sweet flavor followed. The potatoes added a nice soft textured approach to contrast the rough texture of the lamb. Finally the rice which absorbed the flavor of the lamb and potatoes was the perfect finishing touch. It absorbed the sweetness of the lamb without the spiciness and the potatoeyness of the potatoes. After a delicious meal (and a difficult time thinking of how to describe it to the readers) Satou and the gang headed out to find Zena. They eventually found her and Lilio and the other female knights at the town square. Zena was wearing a pretty green sundress wit a yellow shoulder veil draped around her shoulders. Pochi and Tama ran up to Zena nad hugged her. Zena-chhaann" "Zenaaaaaa Nanodesu" Tam and Pochi greeted. "Hi pochi, Hi tama." Then she looked at Satou blushing. "Well hello Satou." "Hey Zena, that dress looks nice on you." "Thanks you." She responded blushing redder. "ooo someones in looovveee." Lilio teased. "W-w-what am not." Zena said clearly flustered. "hahah Zena would you mind coming to the inn with us, theres something we need to discuss." They all walked to the Inn. "Alright guys, so heres yhe deal. I got an Invitation to a fighting Tournament." "Oooo yaay lots of battles. Nanodesu!" " Well thats the thing, we dont know just how dangerous it could be. So I'm just taking Arisa, Zena and Nana. Liza, Pochi and Tama You guys are staying back." "Awww." Tama and Pochi groaned in unison. "understood Goshujin." Liza accepted sternly as always. Though inside she was a bit disappointed. "I promise we'll win for you guys. As a reward I'll buy everyone's favorite dishes." "YAAAYYY." They all cheered in unison. "Um...Satou...Thanks for choosing me to participate. I wont let you down. I'll do my best." Zena said blushing. "We all we will." Satou agreed. They had an early dinner, and set off on their way. They came the pinpointed spot on the mark and awaited them a portal. There waiting were Satou's two disguised Forms. Nanashi, His disguise when wearing his hero mask, cloak and Holy Sword. And Kuro his Gentlemanly, Middle age disguise with a mask a scar. Satou thought to himself "How, and What are these guys doing here? Oh well, better play along." "We've awaited your arrival Sir Satou." Kuro spoke. "Goshujin look it's Nanashi and Kuro." Arisa pointed out. "They must be here to fight as well." Through his User Interface Satou could see that the two of then retained all his titles, items, weapons and abilities from when he acted as them. "Well this is it guys. Whatever awaits us on the other side of this portal will be unlike anything we faced before." "We can do it Goshujin." Arisa chimed cutely. And they stepped through.

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