Chapter 1

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Max's PoV

“Keep it moving newbie!” The gruff man gives me a shove and I walk a little faster

“I’m going I’m going, Jesus Christ!” I scowl as I move quicker I soon face a dead end and a large door I am unsure of what to do next, so I just stand there. What am I even doing here what is going to happen to me are they going to hurt me??? My thoughts are quickly put to an abrupt stop as the man shoves me through the door I end up falling on my face because this jack bonded my hands together


“Hey science nerds you have a new pet to play with” Is all the man says before he leaves

“Excellent” A new voice utters

I looked up it’s some kind of  science center it looks like the type you see in movies I look at the guy his face is cold and dark as he towers over me I quiver in fear this isn’t like me what's happening how can something as simple as a stare have so much power over me and my emotions I want to look away but I can’t out of fear something worse will happen to me without me seeing it coming and that’s more terrifying than looking away.

“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME KILL ME?!?!” I cry out I start to shake badly

“First of all be quiet I’m right in front of you second of all no I’m not going to kill you me and my coworkers are just going experiment with you like a little lab rat” He smiles evilly my heart sinks

“T-that’s inhumane”

“Oh, boo-hoo do you think I care?!? I am a man of science!”

“Don’t you dare touch me!” I back up into a wall he calmly walks towards me

“Well the first thing we need to do is get you in uniform then take some DNA and blood samples from you to put into the system you if you get out we’ll be able to find you” He grins then steps away to his desk to call someone on his phone I keep look at him the whole times after talking for a few minutes with someone he hangs up and looks at me

“You know I wouldn't sit there if I were you”

“Sorry I don’t take advice from crazy people you probably just want me closer, so you can do things to me”

The guy only rolls his eyes and beings to type on his computer I just curl up suddenly a door swings open and hits me in the face

“That's why I said to move dumbass” Is all he says

Two people grab me and start to drag me somewhere I begin to scream and kick the whole way they bring to a new room it looks like a doctor's examination room they sit me on table one of them forces clothes into my arms and tell me to change and I do so after they both leave-leaving me alone change it looks like a prison jumpsuit but better fitting and a dark green color and it has gloves after a little while the scientist comes in with a bunch of stuff I can’t bear to look at him anymore he starts to scribble something on his clipboard he brought with him and puts some rubber gloves on I think he made then snap on purpose to scare me.

“Work with me or I’ll get Nurf in here to make you compile,” He says I tilt my head

“Who’s Nurf?” I question nervously I’m scared that I’m going to cross a boundary that I shouldn’t have he sighs in annoyance

“The guy that brought you to me first and one of the guys that dragged you in here…...Idiot”

I whimper that guy is scary I’d rather not have him holding me down and forcing me to do things I only nod at the scientist

“Good now” He picks up a cotton swab “Open your mouth”

I’m confused but I do so he runs it all around my mouth for a few seconds before taking it out of my mouth and putting it in a weird case thingy suddenly he grabs my wrist and pulls my sleeve up

“W-what are you d-doing!” My voice is cracking in fear I let out a shaky breath

“What does it look like?” He pauses “I am getting a blood sample” I try to pull away he keeps a firm a firm grip on my wrist “Don’t be a baby I know what I’m doing it’s not my first time doing this”

“P-please n-no I don’t li-like needles” I whimper

“That’s too bad!” He shouts at me “If you’re going to be a big baby look away I’ll tell you when I’m done” He says a little calmer I do as he says it takes a few minutes “Now it wasn’t that bad was it” He mocks me

I wipe some tears “Heck off” He puts a bandage on the place he stabbed me

“Watch your mouth I’m not above hitting you”

“What you are allowed to swear but I’m not?” I completely ignore the part about hitting me

“Well I am because I’m your superior you can swear but not at me or any of your superiors”

I growl this guy is crazy calm yet crazy I never know what he’s going to do to me it terrifies me I usually can tell what someone is thinking but not with him I snap myself out of my thoughts and I realize he’s gone after a few minutes Nurf and some other guy comes in

“You can walk or we can drag you to your room” Nurf snarls I don’t respond so they just pick me up roughly they are pretty strong and they are probably leaving a few bruises on me as they drag me  we come to a door this is the only one I’ve seen that has had a lock on it and it has like a handprint scanner on it. One of them unlocks the and they both caresly throw me into the ground.

“H-hey there you ok? That looked like it hurt?” A new voice says I look up “I’m David” He says and gives me a sad smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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