You'll be okay💙

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You know those people that are like a ray of sunshine?
The kind of people that are always smiling?
The kind that are always positive?
The kind that are always giving advice?

Well........ that's me. But the thing is, you don't know what goes on in anyone's lives but your own.
Just because I smile doesn't mean I'm happy. I smile to stop myself from crying.
Just because I'm always positive on the outside doesn't mean I don't have negative thoughts too.
Just because I give great advice doesn't mean that I know how to take my own advice.

In the end none of us are perfect. We're all addicts fighting a drug of our choice.
We're all in the same game just different levels. Dealing with the same pain just different devils.

Everybody is hurting about something but they don't always show it. And sometimes you feel like there's no way out but there is. You cry yourself to sleep and you feel hopeless but there's hope. You feel like the pain will never end but one day you'll wake up and you'll be okay. It's okay not to be okay.

It's okay to cry because you will heal.
It's okay to feel hopeless for awhile because there is hope and no matter how much you may feel like nobody cares, someone does. Someone loves you. You may not see it but it's there.

So cry if you have to but never give up.
Because remember that after the storm comes a rainbow 🤞🏽💙

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