The purchase

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Dear Diary,        September 8, 2018

I recently have been getting into photography. I live in a very busy city with lots of places to take photos. There is only one problem I have been taking all these picture on my phone. Don't get me wrong my phone takes good quality picture. I just want a real camera to capture the city around me with.

I started looking at thrift stores because I was on a budget. After what seemed like hours of looking I found a decent camera. I was a little old but still took great pictures. The guy at the till also told me the interesting backstory of the camera. Apparently this lady's grandmother had recently passed away and gave the camera to her before she died. She couldn't afford to pay for her rent and so she had to sell it.

On my walk home I passed a bridge connected the town in lived in with another town. It was a beautiful day so I decided to test my new camera out.


I checked to see how it turned out and presently surprised at how good it looked. On my way to my apartment I proceeded to take more pictures.


I took a picture of my towering apartment building. I can't wait to get these developed. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

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