We take a jorney for school supplies... A.K.A the best part of back to school

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"Just a small town girl, Livin' in a lonely world! She took the midnight train goin' anywhere."

I was abruptly woke up by muffled singing and the faint melody of 'Don't Stop Believing' being played in a room, not far from mine.

I let out a slight groan as I turn onto my right side. I reach my arm out of the covers and pick up my phone from the bed beside me. 10.36. Well, that's earlier than I thought. I begin sitting up, grabbing my glasses on the way up. Just as I manage to stand up, my door is thrown open.

"Don't stop, believing. Just hold on to that feeling!" My older brother Michael bursts in threw my door and starts singing to me. I grab a pillow off my queen-sized bed and whack him on the head with it. Michael laughs and runs out of my room and down the stairs, without closing my door might I add.

I walk into the bathroom my sister and I share. Emily was standing in the bathroom with a towel around her body and hair, having just got out of the shower. She offered me a smile as I walk into the room; I give her a small one in return. She turns and leaves through her door and I do my business.

I walk out of the bathroom and get changed. Only 3 days till back to school. I REALLY don't wanna go back to school. After being kicked out of my 5th high school, there are no high schools left in my area. 'Luckily' my first high school has agreed to take my back. Oh how joyous. Obviously there are conditions, I must get a 'c' or above in each class, attend every detention I am issued and not get into any physical fights on school grounds or in school uniform. Small price to pay to be back with my oh-so-lovely family.

"MORGAN, HURRY UP WERE GOING TO BROWNS FOR SCHOOL SHIT." A slightly aggravated voice yelled up the stairs.

"Wait a sec would ya." I muttered.

I walk to my cupboard just next to the bathroom door. I grab underwear, a sports bra, a random pair of shorts and a random shirt and begin putting them on. After I grab a bandanna to keep my hair out of my face. Luckily I sleep with most of my jewellery on so I just had to grab a bag and my phone as I exit my room.

 Luckily I sleep with most of my jewellery on so I just had to grab a bag and my phone as I exit my room

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As I approach the kitchen I see all my siblings waiting for me. My other older brother jack tosses a pair of black converse into my hands.

"C'mon, I don't wanna be there all day," he whines walking towards the front door, "Put your shoes on in the car." He adds on as an after thought.


We walk into the shopping centre looking like a little squad. Just kidding. Emily, my younger sister, is walking of to the side, looking in shops as we pass. Completely ignoring us. Jesse, my youngest brother, is walking with Michael, our oldest brother (the one who's singing woke me up) talking about... well I'm not too sure really. Andrew, my older younger brother, is trailing slightly behind them, lost in thought. Jack is walking next to me. We have about a meter between us and are both listening to music, ignoring the other person. Jesse and Michael turn and head into Kmart. The rest of us trail behind


Arriving home I depart for my siblings and head upstairs to my room. Our house is split into two levels. When you walk into the house, the lounge/theatre/gaming room is to your right. To your left is the garage (two car). Just being the garage is our laundry, bathroom and stairs to the second floor. Straight through from the front door, after the laundry and lounge room is the kitchen and dinning room. The kitchen is in the left side and the dining room on the right. To the left behind the kitchen is my dads room, the master room of the house with and attached bathroom. As you head up the stairs, first room to the left is mine then followed my Emily's then jesses. On the right side is jacks room, Andrew's room then Michael's room. At the end of the hall there is a bathroom for Michael and Jesse to share, jack and Andy have a joint bathroom not unlike the one Emily and I have.

I walk into my room and dump my bag on my desk chair and sit on my bed, reading memes on my phone. School starts on Monday so I should probably get my shit together but my emotional state is a mess so the rest of my life can match.

I check the time on my phone. Its 2pm now so a quick nap can hurt, ill see you when I get up, bye inner monologue.



YO!!!! I honestly have been writing and re-writing this story for years. It feels good to finally put out a chapter that I'm moderately ok with. A few things I like doing in my chapters are a SOTC and a QOTC. a SOTC is song of the chapter, its when I suggest a song I've been listening to or was listening to whilst writing this. QOTC is question of the chapter, it basically is so I can get to know my readers, obviously most of you won't answer but its there for those of you who want to. They might be revolving around the chapter, might not. We'll find out together. I also have decided to do a fun fact about the story at the end, it won't be relevant to the plot just a fun tidbit for you to know if you want to.

SOTC: (in the media) Todays song is bohemian rhapsody. More specifically the P!ATD cover. I'll put the exact song I was listing to up top and the original below this.

The image of in the media is of the layout of Morgan's room, the brown rectangle is a bookcase and the grey rectangle is shelving.

QOTC: I'm gonna go real simple cause it is the first chapter, whats your favourite colour? mines red (cause it rhymes with ned)

If you have any questions about the story, whether I explained something weirdly or you pick up on any grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes please tell me. I'll put the question and answer at the end of that chapter so its there is other people are confused also.

Just want to clarify some things that might confuse some of you:

Order of birth: Michael then Jack, Morgan, Emily and Andrew (quadruplets cause why tf not) then Jesse.

Their dad works weird hours, kinda when he can so in the time that this takes place he was working. Michael can drive, technically he's not supposed to have too many passengers but he was about to go for he's licence earlier and they let him.

Fun-Fact: Emily and Jack are both left-handed, the only ones in the family but not the only ones in the story.

Ok, please remember to...




(the first two are optional but the last one is mandatory)

((also fell free to follow me, I follow back *wink wonk*))

TRA out,
Peace ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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