Law and Hoarders

227 8 16

???'s POV:

I smirked, glancing down at my plan that I had been working on for the past few days.

Today, I had just arrived in the hotel, awaiting the shoot of RuPaul's Drag Race. The production was scheduled to be set in two days. As I grimaced at the poor-quality sofa to my right, I wondered how I would spend my dear and sweet time trapped in here.

My plan was something beyond predictable. It was impeccable, and I had to admit, I was proud of myself for coming up with such a thing within a cramped time frame like now.

I was going to win Drag Race. I was going to be America's next drag superstar, and I was going to do whatever it may take...

...Even if the plan involves something as severe as crime.

I didn't have much of a natural ability in patience, which was showing at this very point in time. But, one thing I did happen to have a natural ability in is scheming, crime, and outsmarting others.

I had to get to the train station first, according to my records. From experience, I know that any queen would be spending their off-season utilizing some spiffy transportation.

It was either that theory or the fact that I had heard Adore Delano outside of the World of Wonder studio on the phone, scheduling a trip on the good old city train.

One thing I was not yet sure of is how I would escape the hotel without being caught. After all, I didn't want to become the Willam of season seven.

What's even more strange is the fact that the Willam Belli, the queen who got disqualified for breaking rules, is now a detective. What on God's great green Earth led her down that path?

I found it ridiculous that we had to use sticky notes as a communication system. I had no one to communicate with, anyway, so I just tossed the supply of sticky notes I was given onto my tattered couch.

Maybe, after all the time I would spend confined in this little cocoon, I would become a hoarder.

The thought sent chills down my spine as I folded up my plan and stuffed it back into my padding. No one would look there, anyway.

As I rushed towards the sofa of Doom and reached for the briefcase that would be a major factor in my plan, I decided to play the risky game of Life and delicately open the door. If only I could slide out that easily, I thought to myself as I shimmied out the hotel door and glanced across from me, making sure no other queens had been daring and escaped like I had.

All I could sense was silence and a bent paper hanging from the door across from me. In large, bold, letters, it read 'Jaidynn Dióre Fierce'. My eyes scanned the series of identical doors beside the one across from me. 'Violet Chachki', 'Pearl', 'Trixie Mattel', 'Miss Fame' and 'Kandy Ho'.

I assumed the other queens' doors were next to mine, but I had no time to get caught up on spoilers for my own pleasure. Stepping lightly as a piece of paper falling to the ground, I made my way downstairs and out the door of Paramount studios.

Finally, a breath of fresh air, I thought, almost speaking my feelings. I smirked while running towards the train station that was only a few minutes away from the studios.

On a normal basis, the studios would be incredibly heavily secured, but thanks to my skill in surveillance management, everything was covered up flawlessly.

I finally made my way down to the station. A ride was scheduled in just a matter of minutes, so I knew I had to be quick. I spotted a train driver, stepping onto a train as if he had just been preparing for conducting.

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