The Brief Case of the Briefcase

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Third Person POV:

Inspector Willam Belli was off duty. She had previously been disqualified on RuPaul's drag race and had no plan to stop doing drag, but she had gotten annoyed at RuPaul for obvious reasons.

She, Bianca Del Rio, and the AAA girls had decided to come together and prove that they could be show stopping drag queens while saving people simultaneously.

"Hey, maybe this will even be a reason for people to think more highly about drag queens and the LGBT+ community." Courtney had stated when the queens were debating on becoming a police agency.

Now, they're almost the top of the country.
A force to be reckoned with.

However, someone decided to stand in their way and take the ultimate challenge: Defeat, outsmart, and eliminate the agency.

Willam had no idea about these strong schemes. In fact, she was simply waiting at the train station for her friends and fellow members of the police force, Alaska and Courtney, to arrive.

Alaska had been meeting her significant other, Sharon Needles, along with Willam. She claimed that it would be best to have someone with her during cases to send her good vibes, but Courtney and Willam both knew that it wasn't just for work.

'Why is their train running an hour late?' Willam pondered, impatiently tugging at her blonde wig. She sighed out of exhaustion and decided to take a stroll across the surprisingly polished station.

Her heels clicked against the marble floors as a familiar face with the restless and bright eyes of a theif attracted her attention. Weirdly, before she could make her way towards the green haired wonder, she had disappeared in a sudden surge of passengers.

"Of course, it's just my luck." Willam mumbled, rolling her eyes and stomping back to the bench she was seated on like a toddler.

A few moments spent sulking and pouting passed when Willam finally spotted the girl again. Squinting in the most exaggerative way, she immediately recognized the girl as Adore Delano, the drag queen notorious for her grunge aesthetic on season 6 of RPDR.

"What is she doing here?" Willam muttered in confusion. Adore walked into a small shop called 'Sickening Smoothies', hauling a mysterious briefcase behind her.

Luckily for Willam, there was a large window right in front of the seat in the corner of the building, where Adore had sat at.

Willam casually followed her into the shop, watching her flip her long green hair. Sitting at her table, she stuck her hand out immediately.

"Hey, there, Queenie. I'm Willam Belli, but please don't call me William. I'm a police officer, so give me the deets on that briefcase of yours." She explained as Adore confusedly shook her hand.

"Willam, we've met before. My briefcase is just a briefcase with a couple of magazines in it. Is that enough for you?" Adore asked, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Come on, lady. To the station master's office to answer questions!" Willam shouted, pointing immaturely at the far distance.

"Isn't the station master Bianca?" Adore questioned as she adjusted her leather jacket. Willam shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"No, Bianca is the cheif...-tion master. She's the cheiftion master." She replied, stuttering.

Adore raised an eyebrow, shrugging it off and following Willam towards the station master's office.

About ten minutes later, the two sat across from each other. Adore cleared her throat awkwardly as if she had something to say.

"What is it, Delano?" Willam asked.

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