The Domino's Letter

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Right so when i was finishing my GCSEs and getting ready for the "longest and most awesome summer break ever" as teachers liked to call it, I was looking for a job. Well I mean I guess I wasn't necessarily looking, it was kind of just a thing that was sat in the back of my mind like 'oh I should do this' but it also wasn't my top priority because I procrastinate. Anyway, I was walking with one of friends out in town one day and we had seen a hiring sign on the outside of a random shop so we went in and asked if we could apply (SPOILER ALERT- we couldn't), we ended up being too young and all of that boring stuff. My friend and I had asked in about six shops when we eventually got bored, we ended up thinking that nobody was going to hire us.

This was until I had a brilliant idea.

I suggested that we go and ask the local Domino's store if they were looking to hire because I had heard some people at school talking about the fact that they had gotten jobs at Domino's (bare in mind it wasn't the same Domino's because I lived quite a distance away from my secondary school which meant that there were two seperate Domino's stores). So my friend and I walked into the store and asked if we were able to apply, not really expecting much after having what little hope we had drained out of us previous to this. However to our astonishment, the guy behind the counter told us that he was looking to hire people to work at the front of the store and asked us to come back later at a certain time. So we both walked out, in complete and utter shock, trying to process the situation. There was a part of me that thought it was quite dodgy that they had just let us kind of come back so quickly without interviewing us or asking us anything at all really, then I quickly realised that this was a good thing and luck had finally come my way because I did not have to go through the trouble of trying to be hired! So my friend and I returned at the arranged time and recieved uniforms and breif training that continued for a couple more days. After that we were official Domino's employees.

So you're probably wondering how the title of this chapter is relevant to any of this at all. I was just giving some background to the situation so that you guys know how I got myself into this mess.

For this particular story we travel further into the future with me having worked at Domino's for almost 3 months. I had gotten close to my coworkers and could handle my job with (mostly) ease, I was earning a small amount but I enjoyed the job so I didn't complain. One particular day I remember I was getting ready for work when I recieved a text from one of my coworkers (we'll call her Anna) that said I had an envelope with my name on it, sat on the managers desk. Obviously I was confused, so I asked her if it was work related and she said no, it was just a plain white envelope with my name on it. So later on when I had finally arrived at work, ready for my shift, one of my managers handed me this suspicious envelope with my name on it. He told me that it had been sat on the desk for a while and I'm not completely sure who recieved it or when, or even how at this point. Obviously I open the envelope because I'm so extremely impatient and curious, and what's inside is a sort of confession letter, with the sender expressing their 'feelings' towards me. I cant exactly remember what was written in it but I can try and rewrite most of it.

"Dear [my name],

I know this may come as a bit of a shock to you but I just had to tell you that when I saw you I knew that I wanted to see you again- outside of work. I hope this isn't too weird or anything I just thought a letter was the best option with your job as hectic as it is.  (blah blah I literally can't remember most of it, these are just random quotes that stuck in my memory but he was talking about him being a customer or something) I hope this doesn't sound too cheesy but just feel lucky I didn't start the letter with 'I fell for you like Domino's' or something like that. I hope to hear from you,

[his name (we'll call him John)]

[his actual phone number like no joke it was really there]"

I'll give you a short list of my first reactions:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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