Chapter 2

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Petalkit found herself wandering around the meadow, thick with fog, she couldn't see much. A giant shape formed through the mist, water surrounded her. Petalkit plunged under, but somehow, she wasn't scared. She let the current carry her along, chilled to the bone. Floating along, she felt all was peaceful until she was sucked under, "help!" She yowled, her mouth filling with water, I'm ok, she thought, kicking furiously. Petalkit blinked open her eyes, something was coming closer, or was she floating closer? Hawktalon? No, a tree had fallen, making a bridge to an island. She hooked a claw on it an hauled herself out,

"what would happen if they were never born?"

She heard, shaking her head Petalkit padded around.

She heard a yowl as a red cat fell from a giant tree.


She heard, the voice was familiar Robinwing?

She gasped, "Robinwing?!" Petalkit yowled, trying to jump to the first branch, she finally made it, hooking her claws into the soft bark, she pulled herself up the tree.

"I'm coming Robinwing!" Petalkit yowled, panting, she stopped to rest on a branch, "Robinwing?" She strained to hear her mother, her ears twitched as a cracking sound. Petalkit desperately tried to jump to the next branch, but the branch broke. She fell from the tree, "Robinwing!" She wailed as she fell.

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